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Hornius Emeritus

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Everything posted by Hornius Emeritus

  1. Elvis getting a parking ticket in Memphis, 1957. Stevie Nicks, 1965
  2. Putting 20 .lbs of muscle on in 5 weeks is freak shit. That's more than a half pound per day.
  3. All our commits are actually five stars! Okay, not all because we have to be realistic. We'll say 90 percent. If only the man didn't keep us down!
  4. Amazingly, nobody was injured. https://www.krqe.com/news/new-mexico/video-driver-has-close-call-with-truck-that-crashes-into-new-mexico-gas-station/
  5. I don't think Lawrence Wright mentioned the name of the restaurant, but it's been about six years since I read it. I've got it but it's at my studio about 50 miles from where I am currently.
  6. Cause she vibrator dependent, don't want me in it. Says I don't make the right noise. Being replaced by batteries. Hey there fellas can't you see, She just wants to play with her toys.
  7. The book is great. I love that scene where G.H.W. Bush and Barbara decide to go eat at some swanky restaurant in Houston. The Secret Service goes in first to clear out any guns that may be there among the patrons and all these blue-haired, old, River Oaks ladies are forced to reach into their purses and hand over their pistols.
  8. Holy crap. I think he's the funniest part of the show. I was skeptical when he came aboard but I'm a Leon believer now. Different strokes, I reckon.
  9. Leon's dick ordering a pizza didn't resonate with you? Also, I think subsequent episodes will show that the voter suppression thing ---- because it results in jail for Larry ---- isn't a cheap whine but rather one of the things that will tie this whole season together, just as Larry's had in every other season. I think "cordial" will be another such thing.
  10. I totally lost it when Leon was talking about he dick-dialed a pizza. I was weeping. I couldn't breathe. And when the fat Corgi butt dialed the South African guy ... holy crap that was good stuff.
  11. I just realized Eugene Vindman is running for the House.
  12. Old school Patriots for me. Tri-corner hat-wearing Minuteman hiking the football out front should have told you.
  13. Rick James and Neil Young in the Mynah Birds, a Canadian R&M band from 1964-1967.
  14. Respect his decision? I don't even respect my own decisions.
  15. Recruitingwise, I've got to say Sark is one of the hardest-working coaches I've ever seen. If he fails it won't be for lack of effort.
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