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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by NeverMarryAStripper

  1. Nice to know that other teams can take a called strike 3 with the winning run in scoring position
  2. I'd say when ULM beats them at home, their season will be pretty well defined
  3. Just put the tv in the fireplace. If you ever want a fire, just play one on the tv
  4. Some of the dishes that my kids use need to soak for an hour or so before they can be cleaned
  5. My daughter wore her May the F=ma be with you shirt from the HMNS
  6. Austin Powers, the spy who shagged me in the ass
  7. Would have needed one more pepperoni for that. He should have returned it and complained.
  8. I always wanted to yell muledick, but was usually with my mom and my daughter.
  9. That’s Dirty Harry in the top left of the second picture.
  10. To be fair the Russian propaganda consists mostly of number 2
  11. If you’re old, you came here to commiserate. If you’re not old, you came here to be ready for what’s coming.
  12. The world would be a better place if Russia's father had pulled out
  13. So you’re saying there is some upside potential
  14. We've been parking in that garage for years, and I used to see you there all the time
  15. So I won’t be walking by your tailgate as I exit the garage next year I guess
  16. I thought the interaction between the Wyler characters was really interesting and both Keri Russell and Rufus Sewell were great
  17. I did a sleep study about 20 years ago, and they said I needed a CPAP. I used it twice and said fuck that shit. I'm still alive, and I doubt it's going to be a sleep disorder that eventually kills me. I'm still trying to recover from walking my dog. I was walking him a couple of days ago, and he jerked the leash when he saw another dog. I must have pulled a muscle in my ribcage because it has been extremely painful to breathe, much less sneeze or cough.
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