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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by NeverMarryAStripper

  1. I 1 CWS appearance makes you a great coach, but 3 makes you a loser. I guess Angie must have been the worst coach ever
  2. I’m sure when he is fired after this series that CDC will consult you on the new hire
  3. We could probably build a decent team with 3 or 4 billion in NIL
  4. I was living in Manhattan when they filmed that. I came home from work one day and I couldn’t get home because they were filming right in front of the brownstone where I was living. I always watch that whenever I can just so I can see that. This was my block
  5. I’m beginning to think we might have a better state government now if Sam had lost that one
  6. One of my older sons built this from a kit. He said is was pretty easy.
  7. If I'm not mistaken, laws of the country of the plane's registration would apply if the plane is in international airspace
  8. It's about the same to Tuscaloosa as it is to El Paso, so maybe I'll do what my roommate and I did for the Sun Bowl while we were in school. We drove all night to and got to the stadium early in the morning and then slept in the car in the parking lot until game time. Then we drove straight back to Austin after the game.
  9. I've begun reading the Todd Ingram series. It follows a naval officer through the war in the Pacific. It starts with his escape from Corregidor shortly before its fall. I'm through the first 2 of the seven books, and it looks like it will go through most of the major sea battles in the Pacific. It seems historically accurate to me, and I'm enjoying them.
  10. The rechristened Titan was the Enterprise G
  11. I’m pretty sure the magnetic fields only affect you it you’ve been vaxxed, but you should do the magnet test to be sure
  12. Real men just push one nostril closed and blow that shit out
  13. The last time I thought I had really bad gas it turned out to be diverticulitis. That shit is right up there with kidney stones and shingles
  14. Nice game to get the Baylor series out of their mind, now let’s sweep OUSux
  15. I still use an alarm clock on my nightstand because I like to be able to see at a glance what time it is when I wake up in the middle of the night needing to pee for the third time.
  16. That would be a pretty good Austin Regional. If we got out of that it would be fun to go to arkie for the super
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