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Braff Zacklin

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Braff Zacklin

  1. I'll post a link or two once the game starts. You might consider starting here, however: https://v2.sportsurge.net/watch-30086-kansas-state-texas
  2. Does this make three different joints in three days? What gives, Greenspoint? Are you on some sort of mediocre BBQ mecca? (In all seriousness, I live in Idaho, so I enjoy every update, be they good or bad.) Please note--as the sign clearly states--that this place is only famous for the parking.
  3. That is a wonderful palate cleanser. Thank you, sir.
  4. Forget it. Did you observe seller location? That'd be like buying a book after George took it to the restroom.
  5. I'd forgotten about that. Almost.
  6. Arguably the finest roster the U.S. has assembled. Will be interesting to see if it lives up to the (my) hype.
  7. This lack of appreciation for the Gary Hogeboom Era will not stand.
  8. Please give him time to process the shock and surprise.
  9. VR seems like a bad time to engage the retracts.
  10. This is the basketball forum, so any spectator-level hoops thread belongs here, imo. I don't want to read about women's college hoops when I open up a default men's college hoops thread, but by the same token, it seems silly to have to go to "Other Sports | UT Sports" to read or post about the women's game.
  11. And so it begins? https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/39720103/kawhi-leonard-ruled-back-spasms-leaves-arena
  12. Congrats, ladies. Hard not to wonder what this team could do if not for the injury bug ... and that's not to imply they can't do some serious damage as it is.
  13. I thought we had a lot of moose here in Idaho, and then I went to Alaska ...
  14. Delete post, ban user. Was a women's hoops result, not men's.
  15. You're a tease, Hate. A damned tease. You know what I'm waiting for ... 🤣
  16. Similar to the above, but now with narrated FACTS! LoL
  17. So not even a share of the regular season conference title for our 'Horns since 2008?
  18. Repped for putting in the work but that does not look good. Definitely the sort of stuff that I'd chop up and mix up for tacos, stir fry, or some sort of hash.
  19. At least he doesn't have conversations with his own sock. Now that's disturbing.
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