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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by shakahorn

  1. LOL you flipping back and forth too, huh?
  2. good thing for him he has white gloves on, makes it clearly a pick.
  3. Same stupid ass hat, same lousy performance.
  4. I've only seen Scherzer a few times this year, once live, but he looks a little off. Could be a little too amped up right now.
  5. Wow I completely have not paid attention to Cincy at all. Did not realize former NU QB Zac Taylor is their HC. Damn I'm getting old. How many times did he not beat Texas?
  6. Herman did say that they gave Jones a lot of grief last year about letting punts bounce that he should have picked up and that probably played into his mindset. Could be coachspeak but sounds legit.
  7. This USF offense reminds me of when we had Heard at QB. The downside of that period, not the upside.
  8. Kerwin Bell has a complicated NFL playbook? That's not gonna mesh well with Charlie.
  9. I got $$$ on SMU -7.5 but I don't know how much I can watch with Ahmad as the color.
  10. Probably referring to a WaPo report that OMB held back $400m prior to the call with Zelensky.
  11. I don't know if I've ever seen anyone take their place bets down after a point hits, although as HG points out, it is allowed. More often, the dealer almost always calls out "place bets off unless you call working" or something similar, and some drunken dude who looks a lot like me will yell out "working" in which case your place bet is live on the come out. I don't know if you can call "working" on your come bet odds. Never seen it, and never been both drunk enough to call it and lucid enough to think of calling it.
  12. Not a good attribute when their offense seems to be designed to need 10-12 play drives to score.
  13. Really? He's a disciple of the pirate.
  14. Minshew is shredding the Titans defense.
  15. The Saudi Energy Minister says they will be back fully online by end of September. Is that really possible or is he just blowing smoke?
  16. With the possible (and I use that word very lightly) exception of the Golden Nugget, none of the downtown properties can be classified as "resorts." They should just call them "dive fees."
  17. His username is "aggie08" and THAT's what makes you take his opinion with a grain of salt?
  18. Just finished this and as advertised, it was a great read. Glad I read it before the ads for the movie came out. Some of the actors don't fit the characters, at least in my mind. Didn't even know there was a movie in the works as I was reading it, but all I could think while reading it was "this would be tough to make into a movie."
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