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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by shakahorn

  1. Finally got done with this one. Very interesting, long read, but really didn't make me "question my assumptions about the world."
  2. Back in the day, and for all I know, still today, Iranian (and middle easterners in general) dudes in the US often tried to pass themselves off as Italian to try and make themselves more attractive when picking up on the white wimmenz. I knew this guy named Tariq who would go as "Tony" and tell chicks his real name was Antonio. He actually was quite successful but i think that was due more to his seemingly always having an 8-ball.
  3. Surely there is someplace on the web that can help you with coming up with 10 hours of undocumented tasks. I have the following off the top of my head: placing credit freezes continually reviewing approximately 20 online accounts for potential fraudulent charges unfreezing to allow for loans (auto, business, home refinance, new credit cards) to be processed re-freezing after loans were processed obtaining and double-checking credit reports transunion and experian changing passwords for approximately 20 online accounts I mean, these are things that were done without even thinking about it. It's not made up stuff. Did all that take me 10 hours? Well, I'm sure it would easily take at least 10 hours for a less-technologically savvy person than me
  4. No kidding, Ash was head and shoulders above Mond. OK...maybe just shoulders.
  5. What the heck kinda convenience store you going to that doesn't have a 'take a penny leave a penny' dish?
  6. It's morons like this who screw everything up for the rest of us who actually might have a clue. Not even an air travel-specific moron, this guy is a complete moron. Hey, maybe, check what time you are supposed to be there BEFORE you make any plans?
  7. Not to get caught up in all the other stuff going on in this thread lately but if you want good Asian food in Vegas, Chinatown is where it’s at. Not just Chinese but Japanese and Korean as well. Raku and Hachi are 2 of my favorite Japanese places.
  8. I hope there's a lot of folks out there that think like this. I, for one, will be betting heavily against USF, at least at the start of the season before everyone finally catches on and knows what all of us here know, that Charlie is an idiot. Everything we made excuses for actually proves his idiocy. E.g., "doesn't know Swoopes first name? Naw man he's just screwing with the lawyers." I can just see him against Navy "whaaa? they allowed to fake it like that?"
  9. I don't know that phone companies make money on this; they just don't want to expend the $$$ to stop it. Right now, even with legit phone systems, you can pretty much broadcast any caller id you want. Supposedly, your telco limits the id you send out to one that is registered to you, but in my experience, this only works like 1 out of 5 times.
  10. ASG - gotta ride the AL, right? -117.
  11. Don't forget June Jones - damn he really let himself go and William Hung. Neither one of those guys could fight worth a damn.
  12. I love this one and use it IRL all the time. Sometimes I substitute "workaround" for "shortcut." Everytime this movie comes on, I gotta stop flipping channels and watch it. I mean...consider their ultimate destination. Another one I use IRL all the time is: Either he's alive or he's dead. Or the cops got him, or he got away. Used whenever some joker states obvious outcomes.
  13. Not sure what you mean by "recent" but Asians in Brazil started migrating over there around the same time they came to the US. Chinese in the early 1800's and Japanese in the early 1900's. Like in the US, Japanese migration tapered off, but Chinese migration continues, albeit northern Chinese now vs southern Chinese then.
  14. I use this one a lot verbatim IRL. "Perhaps the laws of physics cease to exist on your stove." I paraphrase this one a lot IRL.
  15. Oh yeah at the risk of being Captain Obvious, Quito is like 9k elevation. The tram to the top of the mountain takes you to 13k. Hiking around up there can cause a little huffing and puffing but there are tons of well marked, well kept trails so you shouldn't get into any trouble.
  16. I thought Quito was very cool, but yeah 5 days is a lot. In addition to what Gecko says, you can go to the equator which is cool. Wife and I did all of that in one day. We hired a car out of hour hotel who took us to all those places for $120. Probably could have bargained down to $100 or maybe less, I think that's what you're supposed to do, but whateves. The dude was totally cool. Ecuador uses dollars so no need to change money. Actually, we only went to Quito as a gateway to Galapagos. Galapagos is pretty controlled, you can only visit most of it if you're on a tour. Sounds like all your tours are booked which is good, especially if you're only traveling as a couple. Last minute stuff can be tricky, we lucked onto one tour because the capacity was 12 and there was a group of 10 older Germans. (The krauts were by and large very cool, one bitchy lady trying to be in charge but even the krauts ignored her. A couple of them were familiar with UT and our football team, they started the convo due to my longhorn cap. This was August of 2017 so I didn't say much about football.) In my experience, the tour guides were all very knowledgeable and educated. One of our guides had a Masters from Cornell. I think all the guides are gonna speak English and most hotels and even restaurants will as well. Spanish comes in very handy of course If you're staying on Santa Cruz for any period of time, there is a street market where you can grab dinner. Los Kioskos - basically a bunch of different outdoor restaurants. Seafood is the specialty obviously. Kinda fun to walk around downtown Santa Cruz, seems pretty safe and again, they control who can go in and out. If Quito gets boring, Guayaquil seemed cool, it's actually the largest city in Ecuador. But I never actually visited, just stopped at the airport.
  17. Why does Dallas get to be Paris?
  18. Can't figure if this is good or bad. Eldorado currently has no properties in Vegas, one in Laughlin, three in Reno and one in Tahoe and a bunch of other casinos spread out across the country, none of which look too appealing.
  19. And nowadays, only an occasional toe is seen.
  20. Can’t you just get a job at footlocker and quit after they give you the uniform?
  21. I thought the team that called our last two games were quite fair, impartial and head and shoulders above most from the regular season.
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