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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hefeweizen

  1. Well you’re a barrel of fun corn hole. I bet you eat Corn Pops out of your shit too.
  2. This thread is great. Death threats over shitty private equity burgers, jacked up trucks, and dollar store. Texas, baby.
  3. Damn that didn’t take long to dig those bodies up!
  4. Cashed my Petrobras dividends and sold the stock on Bolsonaro’s better than expected showing. High risk but I suspected he would do better than expected. That is a serious potential play if Lula wins, since he used it as a piggy bank when he was president of Brazil.
  5. Son of a bitch. So much for that plan. He hired my dad out of business school. Small world.
  6. Hank Greenberg is tanned ready and rested. (Not really)
  7. Wouldn’t that be the ultimate fuck you to people. Yeah we’re tightening but our banking buddies in Europe are hurting so we’re back to QE.
  8. Yup. It’s going to require a bailout most likely and apparently Deutsche Bank is not much better off. Weirdly it’s US banks that seem much less levered than some of the euros.
  9. Lol. We’re pretty much at full employment. We’ve made a lot of business owners very wealthy (myself included as a stock holder in a private company). What we have done is transfer a massive amount of wealth. Sorry your crypto made you a poor.
  10. Lol stupid political post. What his inauguration has to do with Fed policy is beyond me. But you can’t help it, I know.
  11. In my defense my regular stock/fund accounts are down 20 percent for the year now, and my safe cash and bond portfolio is down nearly 5 percent. Inflation protected funds my ass.
  12. Hi I’m a stonkaholic and I need help. Bought back into AMYZF UUUU EOSE and IBRX what the hell am I thinking?
  13. Putin went all in on Anschluss this morning. We’re headed to more escalation.
  14. Between the continued talk of escalation and the batshit new UK policies I see a lot more pain coming. I think we’re headed for a much harder landing than JPow thought he was going in for.
  15. Well the use of a nuke would change the war. Probably freeze the lines for a time. But Russia will have signed its death warrant, which may not be the deterrent it would to a rational actor. I think China has been trying to figure out an off-ramp from Russia and that would be an easy one. Then they can March into Siberia. The losers would be Ukraine. Gone from heroic defenders to senseless casualties in a very quick moment. Because if they use one, they may use 20 or 25.
  16. So TINA and FOMO formed a suicide pact? Is that what’s going on?
  17. So today is going to suck or nah? You know the market is bad when I don’t even open my fidelity page to look at it.
  18. At this point I really don’t give a shit if people are vaccinated. It has become like a flu, so I’ll get mine and make sure my kids get theirs but if someone wants to take their chances we’re past the pandemic stage. The weird thing is how much the anti vaccine cult has focused on this one. The flu vaccine hasn’t ever provoked this level of furor, but now polio, measles, and who knows what else are going to find an opening because of misinformation. That’s the sad part of this whole pissing match.
  19. He’s setting the Russian story out there. Just providing some alternative facts.
  20. Judit Polgar is probably as close as we came to laying pipe in the chess world.
  21. I still laugh at it. What the hell else can we peons do? Enjoy the ride.
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