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mr. sunshine

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Everything posted by mr. sunshine

  1. I heard he got in a bar fight with the entire Olympic judo team. He took out four of them. Which year? Because ‘64-‘72 were pussies. They didn’t even medal.
  2. I thought Stan Beeman was irritating at first but now I have the occasional Miller High Life in tribute
  3. Get? I’ll bet she’s already spread it like an oscillating sprinkler
  4. Now just don’t fuck it up surly. Wait wut
  5. Did you tell her you were unwilling to change the beneficiary of your will and life insurance policy and hoped to live more than a year? If so that’s a dealbreaker
  6. and if you do ask questions, please do so publicly and without a mask on so that your foam/spittle/drivel can convert the disbelievers
  7. I meant more along the lines of a shitty season is inevitably excused by the mediocre season that preceded it
  8. Nothing personal but if any program raises this dogshit excuse up the flagpole more than ours I missed it
  9. I’m gonna tell mom and dad everything. I’m even considering making up some shit
  10. Given the defendant, I think you’re underestimating how far some undoubtably bored Kentucky justice of the peace would love to push a disorderly conduct ticket
  11. God I hope so. I’m still including them on my resume
  12. After getting burned on boutique running shoes for years my son suggested I just get a pair of Nikes. Naturally I questioned his bourgeoisie tastes then finally broke down and bought some. Comfy AF but that’s a Clemson/Okie State orange if it matters
  13. Maybe they can sing it the 6-7 times we win and not sing it the 6-7 times we lose next season, whenever that is
  14. She’s a veritable Hemingway. Just add a shitload of modern pharmaceuticals and take away all those classic novels. Hell it’s practically a draw
  15. Same. Refilling the hummingbird feeder was a nice touch though
  16. When Mack was flying around to visit commits/avoid being fired he flew to Jasper to supposedly visit Cuney. I knew the airport manager who said it was only a fuel stop and Mack never got out of the plane
  17. It’s on TCM at 7. Don’t deny it your essence
  18. Nudity warning + Rose = naked Rose right? Nope just more decomposing bathtub lady. What a gyp
  19. I can see both of them pulling off rolls that require dat ass
  20. Even Liberace’s ghost would consider it really, really gay
  21. Thanks for saving me from the infinite suck hole of Wednesday night TV
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