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Everything posted by Buzzrock

  1. Banging a skrull is genius. She could be whoever you wanted on any given evening.
  2. I believe that’s right and I don’t know, it just showed up in Atlanta.
  3. I ended up picking up one of these. For $19 a liter it’s an absolute no brainer, and way better than that Tennessee crap they were selling under the Kirkland brand for awhile. Good enough to sip, cheap enough to mix.
  4. I know some of us sound like broken records on this topic but: yes you should watch Clone Wars (use the episode guide so you know what to skip) and Rebels (all of it) before this comes out. I still don’t love the choice of actor to play Ahsoka, but I love the Ahsoka character. She’s right up there with the OT crew for me. Rebels has some great characters too, quite a few of which will feature prominently in this show.
  5. Based on y’all’s reactions I’m not watching that trailer. I want to be surprised. Please don’t suck please don’t suck please don’t suck…
  6. Very inspiring WH. I’m hoping for long term success for you.
  7. In my case it’s tough because almost every house has a pool and we have a big neighborhood pool. Kinda tough to differentiate.
  8. What do you mean everything dies at your feet. Is that bad?
  9. If you don’t have small children I would advise against it. We moved into a house with a nice pool setup (though aging, see previous post) and we lived in it the summer of 2019. Saturday we got in it for the first time this year. My 14 and 17 year olds barely ever use it.
  10. He comes off more like an artist than a businessman sometimes. Very bright in some areas, socially inept in others. Can a billionaire business and tech mogul have LVS?
  11. https://www.threads.net/t/CufyjphOHyS/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== Caption this
  12. My neighbor bought one of those Tonal machines (weight lifting version of Peloton) and loves it. Could be an option.
  13. Buzzrock

    USMNT 2023

    Two PK saves is mvp type shit
  14. Started a sorcerer alt after finishing the campaign. Unstable Currents is almost OP. It is complete death and destruction. So fun. I like the post-campaign game mechanics, and I bumped my main character up to Nightmare. Still not too tough.
  15. Pools are great but old pools can be a pain. My main board failed (again) so I upgraded with one I can control from my phone. It failed yesterday. Also developed a leak. My guy thinks it’s in the skimmers so he sealed them but I can’t run the pump to test it. And I need all new pebble tec that I’ve been putting off.
  16. You’re not her type G650
  17. I’ve never heard a crowd that loud. Wow.
  18. I’m sure it would have been…very interesting. [emoji1787]
  19. Martin walking the grid is a national treasure
  20. Surprisingly decent for a gimmick
  21. He is LOADED and doesn’t care how much he spends.
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