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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Deej

  1. Don't care if already posted.
  2. If only they could have convinced all of their customers to tip the staff 300% every visit, they might just have made it.
  3. Well, low-level depression daily for two or more years at a time is one indicator.
  4. Do we have a colonoscopy fund?
  5. Can't we just park South Austin's mom over the watershed?
  6. I was diagnosed with persistent depressive disorder. I've lived my whole life in a constant, low-grade funk that occasionally turns in to a pretty major one with the right triggers. My old housemate from 20 years ago is going through a bad divorce and was really needing a friend, so I flew her to town to stay with me for a few weeks. I didn't realize how bad of a state she was in until I got to see her in person. Completely bi-polar and rapid cycling when she got here. My ex-wife was the exact same way and it brought back a lot of fucked up shit. Anyway, I think it was bad for both of us, mentally. I've feel like I broke my brain dealing with her and trying to keep her lifted up. I kept it together while she was here, but as soon as I put her back on a plane, the fucking dam broke for me. Anyway, after years of ignoring my problems, I'm having a hard time. I never really mind the low grade funk, because it feeds my fucked up sense of humor, even though it keeps me from really being able to keep normal relationships and being happy and interested in things. Anyone have any recs for a therapist in Austin? Tried to look my old one up only to find out they had passed.
  7. I used to see Ian at Little Thailand in Garfield all the time. What a nice guy.
  8. Sign Bar makes me angry. I don't know why. Making money of nostalgia from people who probably have no idea about places those signs came from.
  9. "If you're depressed, you shouldn't be in C major."
  10. I would only eat breakfast at Cheko's. The lunch and dinner menu was meh, but breakfast tacos and migas are hard to fuck up. Plus it was a one minute walk from my house.
  11. For this challenge, you must all incorporate cocaine into your dish.
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