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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by pyrohornIII

  1. Might be a Neil Young type of protest.
  2. I googled him too, and my life is a little poorer now for the knowledge. Good thing is that at my age, I'll probably forget it soon enough. I wish Dolly would stand up and speak her convictions. You know they have to be fairly progressive when you consider her friends like Fonda and Tomlin. I guess she's too worried Dollywood would go dark from all the MAGA types boycotting her.
  3. So basically he's saying the red team deserves a mulligan, to preserve the image of the US? Gotta think he figures if they can the DOJ to look the other way on Trump for this, then everything else will be moot. He's not worried about protecting Trump, he's worried people will finally start realizing how much Trump did, and how little they did to stop him, probably even enabling some of it.
  4. Approximately 7 Trillion. Maybe Christie is excusing him all the COVID measures. "When Trump entered office in January 2017, the national debt was nearly $19.9 trillion, according to U.S. Treasury data. The debt did lower slightly during the first few months of Trump's presidency, between the first and second quarters of 2017, but then continued to rise for the next three years, hitting just over $26.9 trillion by the end of the fiscal year in 2020." https://www.newsweek.com/trump-national-us-debt-1774764
  5. I could see 1/3 of teen girls contemplating suicide, but more over the idea of inheriting this shit pile country from their parents and grandparents, not so much who they share a locker room with.
  6. It goes so much deeper than just the Duggar family, too.
  7. I've made it through 3/4 of the episodes. I thought it was going to be cute little expose' on the Duggar family (which I had scant knowledge of before all this). But it is SOOO much more. It goes back to 1961 and the founding of the Institute of Basic Life Principals by Bill Gothard. This makes that Mormon sect of bigamist/groomers seem like pikers. It's really hard to tell the interconnection of all the groups like IBLP, The Family, Wilks and Dunn, FLDS and others, but they all have one thing in common, and that is white supremacy, male white supremacy, to be exact. The scary part of it is that these people have been indoctrinated for several generations. It's going to be hard to turn this around any time soon. Thing is they have been doing so much of this under the radar, under the guise of religion. "What bad things could they be doing? All they do is preach and pray?' More like preach and prey. When Abbott went on his voucher tour, there was no public notice. It was all done via texts, emails and word of mouth within selected groups. This is how they work, in the fucking shadows, and hide behind the bible when they get caught. Everything that Abbott is pushing from vouchers to 10 commandments has roots in this movement. Now whether he believes it or not, or is simply pandering to them for their votes, he's doing it. And while IBLP has some facilities here, they are all over the US and abroad too. They represent a large voting bloc, but not sure they would make up a silent majority. Here's the trailer for The Family again:
  8. It's like they don't understand the definition of maverick.
  9. For those of you up on the Texas Constitution, with Slaton being ousted, Abbott has the privilege to set a special election for his seat. People in his district were thinking he'd probably call it for mid-June. But he's set it for Nov 7 instead. So basically, those folks get no representation through all the upcoming special sessions? Is this constitutionally legal? Seems it would be Abbott's duty to fill the seat ASAP. I have a feeling he's put it off that long to let the anger in that district over Slaton cool. Might feel that if the election were now, potentially could lose that seat to a Dem. I know that seems ludicrous, but it's an open race, no primaries. So they have about 6 Republicans who have declared. That's splitting that vote quite a bit, against one Dem.
  10. I've seen where several counties have been jacking up evaluations so when the tax cut does come, it will put the counties back to where they were right before the cut. So no real savings, just sleight of hand.
  11. I believe I saw something about how each CT has to start with a year or two in ROTC, and then can opt out. Not sure if the band corps members have the same requirement. Apparently, they let the actual military people teach them to drill and such. Can only imagine what a circus it would be if aggy were left to their own devices for training.
  12. I'm always shocked that none of the B/CS or Waco stations are Sinclair owned. And find it ironic that KEYE is, considering it used to be Lady Bird Johnson's baby. Or am I misremembering that connection?
  13. Wasn't this already reported on Paxton like a year ago, or was that a different GQP fraud? They could sell gallery tickets to fund a happy hour for Phelan. I have no doubts my brother is a card carrying member of that PAC. What is the Cartel equivalent of the Russian 'fall from a window'? Is it possible all these investigations into the big hospitals was the straw that broke this? I know it wasn't all of it, but you have to know those places are raising a few glasses tonight.
  14. Trump isn't an adept crook or mastermind. He simply does whatever he wants and if he gets caught he denies and deflects. Then he uses the court system to drag things out counting on those coming after him run out of patience or money. And if he does lose, he claims it a victory. Roy Cohn taught him all this and he's used it to his benefit from his early days. Several of the Trump documentaries go into depth on that. Seems Cohn and Norman Vincent Peale were two yuge influences on young Trump. What pisses me off is what safe sex and TwiceHorn alluded to, that people much brighter than Trump get away with these white collar crimes all over the place and no one catches them. But they catch the poor kid who swipes a loaf of bread. And when they try to add the muscle to catch more of these type it gets blocked. We know the IRS doesn't have the staff to go up against the big money and their phalanx of tax lawyers, so they get their quota on smaller citizens. And Biden tried to add muscle into the IRS and it got watered down. So infuriating.
  15. I don't know. He really needed this now to use as his springboard into the presidential race of '24. Having to hope to get it done in special session will delay that. I think he was hoping the public would be asleep at the switch and let this glide through. But now everybody will have time to eviscerate him for everything he sacrificed to get his precious vouchers. If he can't read the room in Red Texas on this, then how can anyone expect him to be effective on a national level? I'm hoping he calls a special session on this, because it will expose him. And forces are already gathering to put up much stronger grassroots opposition to vouchers. He didn't do himself any favors with the teachers and rural folks who depend on those schools and Friday night lights. Abbott called for flags to fly at half staff. How noble of him.
  16. Somebody reminded us earlier that the emissions testing is federal, not state. Guess we'll see if they just ignore that too
  17. It's mainly to give Abbott a strong plank to dive into the 2024 republican primaries for president. Selling out Texas youth in order to run a doomed campaign. From what I am hearing, he's having trouble finding staff for that campaig. I guess because most are smart enough he stands no chance of winning. So maybe he runs the race and then concedes to the frontrunner in hopes of some cabinet or SC position. Again, all this at the expense of our state. Being a right to work state and all that other bullshit that's supposed to be bringing in all these new jobs, they won't last. How many are construction, that is a temporary boon? How many are manual labor that will be eventually replaced by robotics? How many high tech companies are looking to set up shop here with the decline of the primary education of the workforce? Of course with all the added extreme weather, I guess construction won't be ever off the table. So Greg is looking out for the economy of future Texas by burning the state to the ground in every way he can imagine.
  18. I also am enjoying the K drama series. The differences in cultures are appealing and refreshing to me. It's a nice break. The storylines are well constructed with several different sub stories interwoven. I can't really speak too much to the writing, since it's all translated subtitles, but it works to move the story along. Though it can sometimes move so quickly I have to rewind to catch everything they said in that clip. The other downside is its hard to catch all the nuances on the shot when you are reading the subtitle. So I do have to stop now and then to review something. I'd rank the ones I have seen so far as: 1)Hotel De Luna 2)My Mister 3)The Glory Stranger is next on the list. Right after Beef.
  19. I would have said this would be more likely from a son of Woody Hayes than Schembechler.
  20. a) I too am surprised the insurance lobby didn't kill this. A lot of small communities make good money off of expired inspection/registration. Another group that would be against this. b) New York state didn't have vehicle inspections 15 years ago, but now they do. So of course Texas is eliminating theirs. c) The next thing to be eliminated will be the emission inspections.
  21. I'm going to toss Burger Boy in Conroe some praise. It's definitely a hole in the wall, but the food is good and honest. They have real shakes and malts too. Worth the time to drive down into town off 45 to find it. Also, I had no idea Hilbert'swas still going in Austin until about 6 months ago. The place on Lamar I used to frequent is now a P Terry, but I stumbled across the one on Cameron Road, and have been back twice now. Still the great burger and shakes. It was a pleasant find.
  22. No license for god or guns, just people who cut hair.
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