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  1. Looks like the Netherlands is going to elect an Islamophobic right-wing populist. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67504272 What IS it with all these nuts and their silly hair?
  2. Texas Tech, Iowa State, Kansas State, Mo Green. Gundy, the rapists in Waco. The cockroaches.
  3. Alright let's track progress of celebrating through fire and flesh the contributions made to our freedom. I am running a bit behind but have my fire settling in and will put on these butts in about 20 minutes. Bought them to make tamales at Christmas but then didn't. Tired of them taking up freezer real estate. Will throw on a chicken or two later. Before rubbed and then after the rubbening.
  4. My Dad was the fourth oldest of ten children born to a sharecropper family. We had hard times a few times in life, but he would always regale me with, "you think its bad now, when I was a kid we had to...." 1. We were so poor, momma would tie a string to a piece of bacon and tie the other end to a hook in the ceiling. You got to stand on a stool and swallow the piece of bacon. After 2-3 minutes she would come back and kick the stool out from under you. 2. This is supposedly true. When his momma would cook a huge batch of biscuits, all the kids would take as many biscuits as they could and lick them to keep their siblings from getting them. I posted this when a buddy sent me a TikTok of "We were so poor stories." We were so poor that momma didn't have anything to cook us for supper, so she would just read us the recipe. I had a little brother that was hard of hearing, and he almost starved to death. We were so poor that Pop would have us run out in the yard and bark at visitors because we couldn't afford a dog. We were so poor that when we went to our aunt's house, we ate the fruit off the wallpaper print. We were so poor that momma made us eat cereal with a fork, so the next kid could reuse the milk. CHIEF
  5. Respect your elders--we really are that old

  6. This show is just beautiful. It is somewhat difficult for me to put into words how awesome it is to see a show that is centered around autism. I have autism and it is milder than what is portrayed by these characters. The thing that made my day was the fact that all three lead characters are autistic and one of them had never acted in his life before this show. I can’t fully say just how cool it was to watch the first episode. I saw some of my own life in what happened in the first episode. Everyone with autism is different and I hope this show sheds some light on and educates some folks about what exactly being autistic means. I’m proud to be autistic and seeing this show just made me smile a good bit. I hope some of y’all enjoy it if you watch it as well.
  7. I asked this question before, and I can't find that thread. Thank you.
  8. I love Argentina but it appears like it has a version of Trump too. https://dnyuz.com/2023/10/16/he-called-the-pope-a-filthy-leftist-now-he-wants-to-be-president/ He has run with little party structure around him. He has vowed to decimate the government he is vying to lead. He promises deep cuts to social services. He wants to discard his nation’s currency. And instead of campaigning with a spouse and children, Mr. Milei has an immediate family that consists of his sister (who runs his campaign), his girlfriend (who gets paid to impersonate a political archrival) and his five Mastiff dogs (which are clones of his previous dog).
  9. Now hear me out- it would take some getting used to, that's for sure, but I think the long term benefits of doing away with Wednesdays would outweigh whatever temporary adjustment period there may be. Here's how and why: We divide up the 24 hours from Wednesday evenly among the other six days. Days are now 28 hours long, necessitating a switch to military time. Instead of working five days a week/eight hours a day, you now work 4 days a week/10 hours per day. The work week is M, T, Th, F, and the weekends are still Saturday and Sunday. Now everyone has more time to get shit done, and more time to sleep as well. With 28 hours in a day the need for 8 consecutive hours of sleep will be a thing of the past, as twice-daily 4-6 hour naps become the norm. And all because we did away with dumb old Wednesday, everyone's least favorite day of the week. So who's with me??
  10. "Playing with the Yankees? " "Yes, playing with the Yankees. You lose good men to trades, unruly fans...i don't want to talk about it "
  11. I keep asking that question in my head and to my close friends and we can't find a good answer. A close black woman friend asked me that and truth be known, I was embarrassed at what she was asking. Why did it take us this long? Maybe years from now philosophers or sociologists will figure it out but until then, all I have is this august body of intellectual heavyweights. I didn't see the Floyd video until late the day it happened as I was busy. As bad as it was (and this will sound horrible), it didn't seem any worse than the others over the past few years. I cynically thought we'd have a weeks worth of internet memes and we'd move on to something else like we always have. Yet, much to my pleasant surprise, we decided we ain't havin' it anymore. The question is why now? Was it a culmination of recent cases? Is it that we're all sitting at home anyway? My personal theory (and this applies to me) is that we as a country are on our last fucking nerve right now for obvious reasons. We then looked up one day and saw that some people think it's still business as usual. That's my best offering. What does everyone else think? Thanks. I'll hang up and listen.
  12. I, like many of you, live in the heavily gerrymandered TX-21, and this assclown is our representative. We need to pay a lot more attention to the stupid shit he says/does. https://www.sacurrent.com/the-daily/archives/2020/07/30/san-antonio-congressman-chip-roy-says-the-covid-pandemic-is-a-hoax-meant-to-hurt-the-gop
  13. Evening, gentlemen. I recently got super high and ordered some of those expensive underpants that have a built-in ballsack. You know the kind. Cradles your boys. I got the ones with the big fucking eagle on the dick, because why not. And they're nice. But I was thinking about it, and I realized I don't really notice the sack bag as much as I thought I would--my nuts just don't seem to sag as much during the day as they do at night.. This, of course, boggled my mind. Maybe my scrote expands at night. Maybe my balls get bigger during the day. I don't know, but it's some laffy taffy shit. I keep waking up because my nuts fall down into my taint, and are inevitably crushed by my legs. I could be imagining this. tl;dr: My chain seems to hang lower at night, and I'm not sure if that's a real thing. Anyway, that's not the point. I know there are some doctors on this troll-infested third-rate ad farm. I'm also certain there are others among us who know their way around a mudflap. I'm far from an expert, because I pound that front bottom. I also don't really know anyone who I can ask honest medical and biological questions about my boys. So can we talk about our balls?
  14. Here we go!! Drive the ball down and we have a 17 point lead with the 3qtr winding down! New OC and a chance for Tom to show the fan base times are different! outscored 28-3 since that opportunity. same Tom, same shit play calling, same shit defense. fuck cdc if he does nothing or makes excuses for the same bullshit! but we blew out utep!!
  15. Words fail me for what I just witnessed
  16. You know how you read these statistics like 81% of Americans think that World War II was fought between Spain and Italy or whatever? 72% of Republicans believe that the Arabic numerical system should not be taught in schools.
  17. Hey@MNLonghornFUKM and@GopherRock , when were you going to tell is about this Minneapolis beer squeezing in on our universe? Don't think I've ever spent a weekend in the Cities before when it was 20 degrees hotter than Austin. But the Humphrey terminal had this tasty brew on tap.
  18. I pretty much know the answer to this – no, we should not – but I'm curious what people's thoughts are on dog ownership and I'd love for someone to play devil's advocate. Our family of four ( with a 2-year old and 4-year old) lives in a 2,200 sq foot house in the middle of the city. We have a fenced-in backyard and there are tons of trails and parks nearby, though the closest off-leash park is a couple of miles away. We love to go on long walks as a family and I jog as well. We would only adopt a rescue that's at least 2 years old and good with children (at least according to their foster family's description, which I realize might not be terribly accurate). In non-pandemic times, we both work outside the home, though I work from home at least once a week. Are there any dogs that are actually okay by themselves, or is every dog going to be generally miserable living in solidarity for 40 or so hours/week? Does having small children make it a non-starter? I'll hang up and listen.
  19. I forgot to ask mine a question and she's a pain in the ass to get in touch with. She said bifocals would help with reading next time I got new glasses. She put "Can add 1.50 bifocal" on the RX so I can order them that way, or not. I have contacts that are -2.50 in both eyes. Not progressive or for astigmatism or anything. What kind of readers, if any, would help for up close shit while my contact are in? I usually have to take off my glasses to read really small print, so obviously if i have in contacts, I can't see small print very well.
  20. I thought about putting this under the "economy thread" from last year but the pressure on oil prices make Houston unique in the potential effect. And it's not going to be good. The only other economy that might be impacted as much by oil prices will be Louisiana. Now I'm an old fart and I had just come up to UT in '79 and saw the collapse of the oil industry and the devastation that the oil downturn took upon the town. Many of the people we had know from Church and other activities lost their jobs because they were the older better compensated people at the oil and gas companies, my father included. With Russia and Saudi Arabia now going to simply pump all the oil they can trying to keep their economies afloat, oil is now officially in the shitter. Malls had no foot traffic and the cascade of lack of disposable income made a once vibrant city a ghost town. Parsley energy here in Austin mainly a shale player had their stock open down 50% this morning. Shell's off another 15% on top of last weeks losses and shale oil today is now more expensive to produce than to sell. It's been great for the Texas economy growing oil and gas production, but the moves in the oil industry alone are extremely concerning. Add in the likely world wide reduction in need for oil and bloating supply as a result means downward pressures on price is not near the bottom yet. I bought and flipped a house in Corpus last year (world's slowest flip, with the most fishing for me in my lifetime) and I have been looking hard at buying another one. Today I just put the brakes on that, wanting to see what shakes out. Lots of worker bee oil and gas money in Corpus still, but I think a lot of those jobs are now doomed to disappear on OPEC's actions alone. We are in a strange way about to be the victims of our own success. Putting downward pressure on oil prices with less regulation, and increasing in production has made us the largest producer in the world. Unfortunately our gains were made using new technologies and drilling techniques, to reach oil that was previously unprofitable to recover. So the dip in prices wipes all all profitability, on shale production in the state. I am very afraid that Houston is going to get pounded this downturn. Factor in the added stresses on the industry and the city of coronavirus. The 1980's oil bust left lasting mark on Houston . 2016 article on the downturn I am really worried for my old hometown. Houston has diversified, but oil and gas is still the life'd blood of the city. With no pressure in sight that might push prices up (unless a war starts) not sure where the bottom will be for oil. Nervous for Texas this go round. We largely avoided the real pain of the last recession. Think we might get a real whammy this go round. Why Saudi Arabia has started a Global crude oil price war Just more info on part of the political why behind the collapse of oil prices.
  21. After watching yet another episode of College Football Final. Featuring that dumb ass Palmer and Puppet using their fancy board to post their take on the top 5 teams. I felt compelled to ask a simple question. What was the real reason logic didn’t prevail and simply take conference champions and say, an at large bid? Money, pride, TV demanding good match up rating numbers? Who would want to watch Ol Miss, Wisconsin, Utah, Okie lite, Wake Forest, and Boise State right? Taking the conference champs and an at large would leave an opening for either ND should they run their schedule, and not piss them off. Or provide what could be the occasional Cinderella team out of the other schools like a UCF? Instead we have invented a new phrase, these fuckers can’t use enough....“the eye test”, which is nothing more then a euphemism for, man I really like these fuckers and the ratings would be awesome. Plus I think they should be in the mix. And I don’t care if they just lost, and can’t win their conference they looked really good doing it. For more then a century the subjectivity of the sport was actually part of the fun. And losing late was a season killer. Then the money got bigger and we got bowl tie ins. But that still allowed ambiguity in the ranks. And when a few select schools didn’t like those results we got the BCS. Which began the current corruption. And resulted in the bullshit we have now. I don’t have to remind any of you of the obvious shit. But one thing should be pointed out. Absolutely no one doubts the talent level of a Alabama. You watch them play and you can see it. But one doesn’t have to look any farther back then last year, where they failed to not only win their division, but the conference as well. However because of the “eye test” their loss to Auburn was largely meaningless. And if anything it allowed them not only a mulligan but time to heal, and extend their preparation for the four team playoff. One of which was a team from their own fucking conference they should of had to deal with in the first fucking place. I get that the SEC is the greatest and can beat several NFL teams. Shit I won’t even bother to argue that shit anymore as no one really cares. But the fact that we have a fucking committee going behind closed doors (no chance of impropriety there) and arbitrarily selecting the four schools without a reviewable data set is pretty laughable. In place of measurable data we get instead “their body of work” or the “eye test” bullshit. And lastly it still allows the mighty SEC to win every year. Because fuck it they do anyway. But the team that does do that will also be able to call themselves conference champion. Something last years champ can’t even fucking do. And it equally applies pressure to every member of every conference that to get in just win. Because, you know. It’s football, and sometimes really fucked up shit happens regardless of the “eye test”. Sometimes, on occasion, once in a blue moon, the favorite doesn’t fucking win. Fuck it, I’m done...
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