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  1. Incorruptibility is when a person dies and the body doesn’t decompose. Its rare but it happens sometimes. Fresh Nun
  2. Alright let's track progress of celebrating through fire and flesh the contributions made to our freedom. I am running a bit behind but have my fire settling in and will put on these butts in about 20 minutes. Bought them to make tamales at Christmas but then didn't. Tired of them taking up freezer real estate. Will throw on a chicken or two later. Before rubbed and then after the rubbening.
  3. Rogue Shop will be donating to the Burnt Ends NIL program with SurlyHorns. With that being said, we will be giving away our seat at the table, who wants to go in our stead? I have written down a number in between 1 and 50. Post your number (DO NOT DUPLICATE NUMBERS, ONLY ONE NUMBER PER PERSON, THE FIRST PERSON TO PICK THAT NUMBER OWNS THAT NUMBER, SO PAY ATTENTION TO THE THREAD) I will let the winner know via DM, but won’t announce it till 8pm tomorrow Saturday the 27th, Good luck 🤘🏽
  4. https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2023/05/19/woman-kicked-out-of-southwest-houston-club-goes-back-with-gun-and-starts-shooting-another-woman-shot-in-chest/
  5. Apparently, the manager of a New Iberia Arby's was locked inside the restaurant's walk-in freezer and died, presumably of hypothermia. More here: https://www.klfy.com/local/iberia-parish/death-at-new-iberia-arbys-labeled-suspicious-by-police/ Workplace accident or proletarian uprising? Discuss.
  6. Searched and didn't find a related thread. Just started this for the millionth time. Such a classic. Philly is the perfect setting.
  7. In honor of May the 4th. Fake trailer for a Wes Anderson Star Wars movie. I'd watch the shit out of this.
  8. Let's fucking GOO!!!!!!! AnguishedMiniatureGemsbok-mobile.mp4
  9. trailer. https://www.google.com/search?q=all+the+light+we+cannot+see+trailer&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS884US885&oq=all+the+light+we+cannot+see+t&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0i131i433i512j0i3l2j0i512j69i61l3.14109j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:6459359e,vid:TMmZ4bTfVjU Netflix. As good a book as I have read in a long, long time. I hope they stay true to the book. The ending shook/surprised me a bit and I had to go back and re read to sort of digest/process it. I still hope they stay true to it.
  10. From last summer. Video released of gun shop employee chasing robber out of store and shooting him as he’s running away. https://abc13.com/store-employee-shoots-unarmed-man-in-the-back-video-shows/13145497/
  11. Ever since the team traded away James Harden in early 2021, the primary goal of the organization has been to lose as much as possible in order to bottom out and add high end talent via the top of the draft. That process ended with a whimper this afternoon as the rockets won their third consecutive game and finished tied with the Spurs for the second-worst record. This means that their own pick in the upcoming draft could fall anywhere between 1-7 (for the time being, there is a possibility they win a coin flip with the Spurs and the worst-case scenario is pick #6). Either way, for the third straight year lottery night (May 16th) is going to be the most significant evening of the offseason for Rockets fans. In addition to their own pick, the Rockets will also have the Clippers' first round pick which will fall somewhere between #18-#20 (i'm pretty sure it will be determined via a coin flip between the Clippers, Warriors, and Heat (assuming they win 1 play-in game and make the playoffs). They got this pick by trading Eric Gordon and Milwaukee's first round pick (which ended up being #30) in exchange. This turned out to be a very good trade for the Rockets IMO, and had the potential to be a great trade should the Clippers miss the playoffs, which was on the table all the way up to the last day of the regular season. Outside of the draft, the Rockets have a ton of cap room and should be able to bring in multiple impactful free agents. #1 on that list just so happens to be a potential reunion with our old pal James Harden. The rumors are so loud that this could happen that I'm not even sure that it really matters how Philly's season ends, though if it ends in the second round or earlier, I think the likelihood of it happening are fairly strong. Harden isn't the player he was back when he left Houston, but he is still a fantastic offensive facilitator who would be a God-send for a young team that has no identity. And since the Rockets aren't in control of their draft pick next year (thanks Westbrook trade!), there is no reason not to try and be at least "good" next year. Aside from Harden, the list of Unrestricted Free Agents isn't anything to write home about, but due to the Rockets' vast amount of cap space, I'm wondering if it may be wise to be very aggressive in Restricted Free Agency? To that end, I really like both Cam Johnson and PJ Washington and think they both make some sense. There is also always the possibility of trading for a highly-paid star player who is unhappy in his current situation with some of the cap space. No matter how it shakes out, for the first time since the Harden trade, the Rockets should be a major player in free agency. They are also going to get to hire a new coach as Stephen Silas was finally let go today. Names that have been mentioned as possible candidates include Nick Nurse, Ime Udoka, Kenny Atkinson, and Scott Brooks. I'm fine with any of them though I do prefer the first two options the most. So here we are. The bottoming out era is over and the Rockets have a lot of important decisions to make before the 2023-24 season tips off in October. It will be a very eventful summer. Here's hoping it is a fun and fruitful summer and the Rockets are a much-improved team next season.
  12. Free right now on YouTube. You're welcome.
  13. Or is there a special dinner or initiation for those of us who have over 10,000 likes? Need to let the less fortunate know who the fortunate are.
  14. Did not see a thread for this summer movie, so thought I'd put it out there. Our family enjoy his movies quite a bit. I haven't heard anything beyond a rumored appeal, but I saw that the initial rating was 'R' and that Anderson was to appeal that designation. (brief nudity or some such was the mention). This is the first of two upcoming Anderson movies. The second, The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar, has no official release date as of yet but is supposed to also debut this year. Asteroid City has a very large ensemble cast and many of the usual talented stars that feature in Anderson directed films. It is another film that is rumored to be a Cannes selection. (I mentioned that Killers of the Flower Moon is under consideration in that thread). I have no trailer at this time and there have only been one or two movie stills, but I listed the cast below. The info about the plot is scarce and consists of: The movie is apparently set circa 1950s and is a romance. Cast: Tilda Swinton, Adrien Brody, Tom Hanks, Margot Robbie, Rupert Friend, Jason Schwartzman, Scarlett Johansson, Bryan Cranston[, Hope Davis, Jeff Goldblum, Jeffrey Wright, Liev Schreiber, Tony Revolori, Matt Dillon, Sophia Lillis, Steve Park, Maya Hawke, Fisher Stevens, Jake Ryan, Ethan Josh Lee, Edward Norton, Steve Carell, Hong Chau, Willem Dafoe, Grace Edwards, Aristou Meehan, Rita Wilson, and Jarvis Cocker. Here's Maya Hawke on set. Can't wait!
  15. What kind of side dishes will we be enjoying this evening with our frozen waffles?
  16. Our bench this year is so good, it has me wondering if they would actually beat our starters. The starters are probably better individual talents, but the bench has a bunch of hoopers. Curious what you all think. Since we only have 9 players on our bench, I put Carr on both teams.
  17. Anyone handy and knowledgeable about such things? My son (10) is interested in cars and engineering and also tearing around the ranch. But I'm cheap. I want something that will last until he gets interested in girls and doesn't have time for his old man anymore. Then I can drove it. What's the way to go? Buy a used yerf dog spiderbox? (But spare parts a probem?) Are modern coleman or gy6 the way to go? I don't have any dreams about putting a 400cc engine or whatever. Keeping it 150, max maybe a harbor freight predator 212. I'm not super handy, but fixing flats and adjusting cables and cleaning carbs might be a fun experience to share.
  18. You will play golf and enjoy hot hors d'oeuvres. My people will have pain and degradation. Your people will have stick shifts. The gods of my tribe have spoken. They have said, "Do not trust the Pilgrims. Especially Sarah Miller."
  19. The World Health Organization says that Equatorial Guinea has confirmed its first-ever outbreak of Marburg disease, saying the Ebola-related virus is responsible for at least nine deaths in the tiny Western African country. In a statement on Monday, the U.N. health agency confirmed the epidemic after samples from Equatorial Guinea were sent to a lab in Senegal to pinpoint the cause of disease after an alert from a local health official last week. The WHO said there were currently nine deaths and 16 suspected cases with symptoms including fever, fatigue, diarrhea and vomiting. The agency said it was sending medical experts to help officials in Equatorial Guinea stop the outbreak and was also sending protective equipment for hundreds of workers. Kin to Ebola. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2023/02/13/marburg-virus-disease-outbreak-equatorial-guinea/11250717002/
  20. spoiler alert- something went wrong, or should I say boom Darwin in action Guess Brazil doesnt have metal detectors at the MRI doors (I had to go through one when I had my MRI)
  21. Very interesting read. DA was a lazy dick then when he was about to have the case dismissed he indicted him for capitol murder seeking death penalty. https://search.txcourts.gov/SearchMedia.aspx?MediaVersionID=63e3c622-e415-425d-a69e-7d3fcd3e388b&MediaID=dbcfe2d6-7698-428c-a4a2-93707bedc68e&coa=" + this.CurrentWebState.CurrentCourt + @"&DT=Opinion
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