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Last year sucked.  I was consistent, but got no real results.   Hoping to be better this year!

I'm signed up for the Squamish 50 mile race in August.  We'll see how that goes! 

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I don’t know if I have any real goals this year other than to race more and have more fun. Kinda got bogged down with goals last couple years. It was great and pushed me to great success but was just too mentally draining.

I still haven’t accomplished my 1:20 half marathon goal from last year and will give a couple good cracks at it the next few weeks. First at Houston, but I’m doing an anti taper for that as my cycling club has its annual hill country training camp the same weekend. So 2 days of hard cycling then try and run a fast half. What could go wrong?

So I’m thinking run the Katy half a couple weeks later with a proper taper and see how it goes. But I’m not sure I’m in the shape to be able to pull it off so might just skip that and go straight into more rounded triathlon training for the Galveston 70.3.

Only other race I’m signed up for at the moment is Kona, but will add 5-10 through the year.

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I think I am finally over my knee surgery from last September so I will be doing a half on August 28th in North Georgia and then one May 11th in Tennessee. Last year I only ran once a week for 3 weeks before I did my first and only half and finished at 1:41 and 20th place overall missing 3rd in my age group by 20 seconds. I am going to start training this time because I would love to medal in my age group just once ( about to be 38 ) and I am super competitive. 

First race this year will be a 4 mile loop around the top of a mountain and then the rest is downhill until the last mile or so and maybe I am wrong but it shouldn’t be too bad. 

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On 1/13/2019 at 10:23 AM, jet black said:

Same thing for Houston full/half. But it’s not the cold I’m worried about, it’s the accompanying 15 mph wind that’s gonna make it brutal.

I'll take bitter cold any day of the week over upper 60s and humid as Houston has been known for in the past. The colder, the better IMO.

Curious about the wind, though. I'll keep an eye on that.

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Weather at the 3M Half was perfect.  

Came into today with a goal of breaking the 2 hour mark.  My two previous halves were 2:08 and 2:03 and I'm not much of a runner but am working towards next month's Austin Full.

Ran today in 1:49.  Kept a steady 8:20 pace pretty much the whole time.

Feels great.

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Weather at the 3M Half was perfect.  
Came into today with a goal of breaking the 2 hour mark.  My two previous halves were 2:08 and 2:03 and I'm not much of a runner but am working towards next month's Austin Full.
Ran today in 1:49.  Kept a steady 8:20 pace pretty much the whole time.
Feels great.

Nice job smokey!

How did everyone else’s races go? I went 1:23:03 in Houston on a lot of fatigue. Hoping to take 3:04 off of that in a couple of weeks at Katy half with a full taper.
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Started running again last October after many years of being an injured couch potato.  I forgot how much I love running.

Working toward the Austin Half Marathon in mid-Feb.   My goal is under 2 hours which, based on my training so far, will be close.  I hate getting old; 15 years ago I crossed the halfway point in a Full Marathon in about 1:30.   Now I'm pressing to get under 2hr.    

As a Bonus goal, it looks like I may have to be in Paris on a business tip the Monday after the Paris Half Marathon.  I think I'll be going out a day early.    

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The Houston Marathon was very kind to me. I ran a 3:22:44 (goal was 3:25) and bested my PR by 15+ minutes. 

The conditions were very favorable for low times - the wind dropped significantly from Saturday to Sunday, and temps stayed in the low 40s. That was my first Houston marathon, and that city knows how to put on a race. I couldn't have asked for a better experience. 

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17 hours ago, jet black said:

Nice job smokey!

How did everyone else’s races go? I went 1:23:03 in Houston on a lot of fatigue. Hoping to take 3:04 off of that in a couple of weeks at Katy half with a full taper.


Well done! I know you were kind of squeezing this one in. Hope you can crack that 1:20 in Katy!

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The Houston Marathon was very kind to me. I ran a 3:22:44 (goal was 3:25) and bested my PR by 15+ minutes. 
The conditions were very favorable for low times - the wind dropped significantly from Saturday to Sunday, and temps stayed in the low 40s. That was my first Houston marathon, and that city knows how to put on a race. I couldn't have asked for a better experience. 

Huge Pr! Congrats!
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hrm, dude you are logging serious miles, at a pace I cant even run hard at. I thought u might be going after a full.

Jet is killing it too, lots of peeps on here are doing well.

After ptfs and pes anserinus - (runners knee) back in Oct, I took it easy with PT. I knew I wanted a spring marathon, but didnt want to travel to Austin or san antonio if I couldn't run well. So I went ahead and signed up for the hometown (fort worth) marathon, the cowtown. Not a fan of the route, but the start/finish is two miles from the house.

I'm still chasing the sub 4 marathon. Previous training data said it was to happen, but I believe a poor nutrition strategy was my demise. I'm a heavy sweater and I either bonk or cramp after mile 22. Plan is to take an energy gel every 30 mins and a salt tablet. Been practicing this in a few of my long runs. 


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My longest run so far coming back from surgery was last week and I was able to run 6 miles at a 7:00 pace. It felt good and I could have went longer but trying not to rush back too fast and not running my first half until end of April. Since I have never really trained I thought I would ask some of you how you do it. I usually only do 1 run a week and then I do OrangeTheory 4 days a week where I am getting around 20 minutes of treadmill time and I spend that time running at a much faster pace than I normally run trying to increase my pace for longer runs. What is the best way to increase speed?

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Best way to get faster is to run more consistently/frequently. Best way to do that is to run easy. Don’t go out trying to do better than your last run every time. Slowly and carefully build your mileage up by running 6-7 days per week. All at endurance paces. Add no more than 10% more mileage each week. Once you’re consistently running 30-40 mpw (or whatever you have time for in your schedule) then you can think about adding a tempo run a week and maybe eventually speed work. But you need to get the mileage up and be consistent for 2-3 months before I’d suggest speed stuff.

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I agree with what Jet Black said.

Doing 6 miles at 7:00 is very good, especially on your schedule.   You'll see the most bang for your buck by increasing your mileage and the number of days.   

Then you can add in workouts and you'll see another jump in performance.

Your cross training is great and will keep you healthy!

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51 minutes ago, longhorndude said:


I’ve got a buddy working the race. Heard they got a pulse and transported to Dell so hopefully they’re taking care of him.


Thanks for the update. Glad he’s going to make it. 

As for my race, I decided to just ran a half, my peroneal tendinitis was bothering me and I didn’t want to do any serious damage to my ankle. I thought about making the turn, but made the safe decision. It sucks because of all the training I did, I really wanted to run another full. I guess I will try for next year. The weather was actually perfect today. mid 50s and a little sun. Hope everyone else did well. 


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Today was my first full. The furthest I had gone in training was 20 and that was just once.

And that was exactly where I hit a wall.

Splits were great for me up until then.

Finished in 4:16, which certainly leaves something to build off of.

I feel good about it.

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1 hour ago, Kermit said:

Finished my first half. Can’t imagine making the turn to a full, but goddamnit I’m going to do it. I should have been more prepared for that hill on 15th. Fuck that motherfucker. 

Yep. I don't know who designed the course, but I'm going to go ahead and assume their mother is a whore. At least that's what I thought while making my way up that hill.

But all and all it was a good morning. It was my third half-marathon and I beat my previous time by five minutes.

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4 hours ago, smoky said:

Today was my first full. The furthest I had gone in training was 20 and that was just once.

And that was exactly where I hit a wall.

Splits were great for me up until then.

Finished in 4:16, which certainly leaves something to build off of.

I feel good about it.

That’s a great time. Congrats 

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Congrats to DMTX he went under 4 hrs at the Cowtown on Sunday!!!!

The Cowtown half was supposed to be my goal race, but I DNSed.  Youngest daughter got the flu Friday night and middle daughter had a gymnastics meet Sunday morning.  I stayed home with the youngest Sunday morning while my wife went to the gymnastics meet.  As of last night she was still running a fever.  We are hoping it finally broke when she woke up this morning no fever.  She is on Tamiflu.  Hoping no one else in the family gets it, everyone got the flu shot.  I was in decent shape too, logging hill repeats every week and some hard runs.  Oh well, shit happens, I'll find something else.  

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Thanks hrm! sorry to hear about the kiddo. 

I noticed during the kids 5k on Sat, both my hamstrings felt a little tight. I rolled them out afterward with some relief. But I just attributed it to the carb loading and some of the extra sodium I was taking. I felt very confident a sub 4 should be no problem, but we know how that shit goes. I was very mindful of my pace, focusing on getting to 10 comfortably. Then getting through the next 10, slowing a little if I felt like I needed to. Then seeing what happens the last 6. i told my self to chill on the inclines, I'll get it back on the down. From the very beginning my left hamstring just seemed tight, but not where I felt the need to slow down. All was pretty much to plan up to 20. After 19 i knew the slight wind would be in my face all the way to the finish, i was preparing mentally, or so i thought. Mile 20-22 was not as kind i was hoping,  but wasn't horrendous. The short inclines through Colonial hills, around mile 22, just beat me up and my quads didn't appreciate the downward side either. At this point I wanted to get to 25 with some reserves, I did not want to limp in to the finish. Its all flat after 23, the last half mile to the finish is a small slight uphill battle. I was slower from 23 to 25 than I wanted but I was really feeling it, soreness, heat, breeze. At mile 25 I just told myself I gotta go. I believe I did the last mile in 8:37, to squeeze in for a 3:58.

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On 2/25/2019 at 9:10 AM, hrmaddie said:

Congrats to DMTX he went under 4 hrs at the Cowtown on Sunday!!!!

The Cowtown half was supposed to be my goal race, but I DNSed.  Youngest daughter got the flu Friday night and middle daughter had a gymnastics meet Sunday morning.  I stayed home with the youngest Sunday morning while my wife went to the gymnastics meet.  As of last night she was still running a fever.  We are hoping it finally broke when she woke up this morning no fever.  She is on Tamiflu.  Hoping no one else in the family gets it, everyone got the flu shot.  I was in decent shape too, logging hill repeats every week and some hard runs.  Oh well, shit happens, I'll find something else.  

Alamo Half is March 3 if you want to drive down to San Antonio. 


Weather was nice for Cowtown. Ran the half with no real time goal in mind. I have spent too many races looking at my watch the whole time and missed the fun of the race itself. I ended up jumping in with the 1:40 pace group and felt good enough to try and hang with them as long as I could. Ended up with a 1:39. Way faster than I thought possible given my training runs and way more relaxing. Now to start some trail runs in preparation for the Pikes Peak Ascent. 

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On 3/2/2019 at 1:18 PM, dmtx said:

Pikes Peak Ascent is on my WANT list. Looks like hella fun while being brutal. The ultrarunning couple that is my bro in law and wife moved to Evergreen last summer, so it would be pretty convenient.

Registration is still open. Just sayin.....

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On 3/4/2019 at 8:44 AM, gasman said:

Registration is still open. Just sayin.....

I live in Colorado, climb 14’ers every summer and run marathons regularly. 

The Pike’s Peak race is the most difficult event I have ever participated in. Expect to run the ascent piece 30 plus minutes slower than your best road marathon. I recommend a lot of leg strength training including lunges, squats, wall sits and burpees. 

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I'm back from Tokyo.  Ran the Tokyo Marathon on Sunday.  It was cold and rainy, but I did PR.  Finally went sub 3:35.  Flat, fast course.  Despite a few out and backs, I liked it.

Definitely feel like sub-3:30 is within reach.  To qualify for Boston, I'd need to go sub-3:25.  That may be out of reach.  But who knows. 

I trained hard to run faster for this marathon and it paid off.  Did a lot more speed work than I had before.  From mile 11 to mile 22, my splits were between 7:34 to 7:55 per mile.  I was cookin' for me.  But I know there's still room for improvement.  

I'd love to get into London or Berlin next year and go all out.

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1 hour ago, Jive Turkey said:

I'm back from Tokyo.  Ran the Tokyo Marathon on Sunday.  It was cold and rainy, but I did PR.  Finally went sub 3:35.  Flat, fast course.  Despite a few out and backs, I liked it.

Definitely feel like sub-3:30 is within reach.  To qualify for Boston, I'd need to go sub-3:25.  That may be out of reach.  But who knows. 

I trained hard to run faster for this marathon and it paid off.  Did a lot more speed work than I had before.  From mile 11 to mile 22, my splits were between 7:34 to 7:55 per mile.  I was cookin' for me.  But I know there's still room for improvement.  

I'd love to get into London or Berlin next year and go all out.

Nice work!! Congrats on the PR and for crossing Tokyo off the list!!  As an aside, you and I have eerily similar marathon race profiles.

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19 hours ago, Newy25 said:

I live in Colorado, climb 14’ers every summer and run marathons regularly. 

The Pike’s Peak race is the most difficult event I have ever participated in. Expect to run the ascent piece 30 plus minutes slower than your best road marathon. I recommend a lot of leg strength training including lunges, squats, wall sits and burpees. 

So, you're saying there's a chance.....

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6 minutes ago, gasman said:

So, you're saying there's a chance.....

You can absolutely do it if you have run marathons before but just train hard and be prepared. If you do the full take the ascent slow because coming back down is more difficult than you think. I busted hard on the way down taking a lazy step. 

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