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Herpa Derpa

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Herpa Derpa

  1. I think we all already knew, hon.
  2. When you have your best season in decades and realize you're still just a stepping stone.
  3. the aggie doesn't fall far from the cult.
  4. So a hot blonde with big tits is in your wheelhouse? Man, you are one unique fella.
  5. I did my own research and discovered Aaron Rodgers is a smooth brained imbecile fascinated by his own flatulence.
  6. Perfect description for how I feel. Rick Barnes is the best coach Texas basketball has ever had. Beard was going to be better. You could feel it. You could see it. You could taste it. Beard and Moody were about to unleash a ball of energy that would consume college basketball for years. It was all right there in front of us. Three fingers on the brass ring and then it slipped through. And then the ride suddenly stopped. The EE run was magical and a glass of cool water for parched throats. But the fallout remains and we all must suffer in purgatory until the next phase. Personally, I'd give RT two years to give me a 2nd round or better. That's a reasonable and fair shake for a coach with his resume. He's still part of the Beard era and all things considered it is best to start fresh which his presence will prevent. Let the Terry era be a coda and move on to the something much more promising.
  7. If CDC wants Lloyd he will get him. Arizona has no money and won't do a bidding war.
  8. TIL immamac has a propaganda problem.
  9. Nabbed the Guest Actress too: Also took home tech awards for Outstanding Prosthetic Makeup, Visual Effects, Main Title Design, Sound Editing, Sound Mixing and Picture Editing for 8 total thus far.
  10. Featen Buck? Sounds like the latest Melk lunch pail transfer nobody from out of nowhere.
  11. The current situation is just one more consequence of his arrogant and selfish stupidity. I put on the Ole Miss/Tenn game for a few seconds during a timeout and when I saw him in the huddle the bubbling rage forced me to change the channel before I destroyed the TV. He fucked this program in so many ways. Referring to him as a huge piece of shit is being kind.
  12. Hey now, for some of us the crackling yule log fireplace is all we have for the experience. And it can be quite entertaining when accompanied with a good bourbon. This.
  13. Careful, don't want to go too far out on the Lidge with that kind of karma.
  14. There is no criminal charge to be prosecuted. I would assume no one cooperated with Bahamian authorities, if they were even aware. Your position is meaningless bluster. This is about the Tech program and how they've handled the situation. While on a formal program trip to the Bahamas, a Tech booster/parent provided alcohol to underage persons, including players on the team and his own teen daughter. Enough alcohol that poor decisions were made. Regardless of any issues of assault or consent, that shit happened on Tech's watch and right under the nose of the coach and the administration folks in Nassau. There was no discipline given. There was no accountability other than chasing off the player not involved in the encounter. Tech has known and hidden this story for weeks hoping it would disappear. It doesn't matter who knew what at the time, it's now three weeks later. Everyone in the program and administration knows the story at this point. And every one of them was going to be just fine with the story never seeing the light of day, and I will posit, even if there was an actual bona fide rape. This is one incident so to throw around the word Baylor is ridiculous hyperbole. But it is a true inflection point on how Tech, McCasland, and the basketball program will be viewed going forward by the general public. It takes a lifetime to build a reputation, but only a moment to bring it down. Tech basketball has become a strong program. This could derail everything that has been done over the past decade+ if handled poorly. And so far, that appears to be how its being handled.
  15. https://www.hudl.com/profile/16101162/Noah-Knigga Seems like the kind of scrappy coach on the field lunchpail 3 star that aggie is now demanding.
  16. that one's a bit obscure. so here's one more mainstream.
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