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Herpa Derpa

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Herpa Derpa

  1. I certainly saw him on TV for that entire period. Still not sure what he was actually doing when I watched though.
  2. I'm sure they'll have an outstanding regular season.
  3. Steven Seagal: I just read the greatest script I've ever read in my life! Intern: Who wrote it? SS: I did!
  4. ...still the same guy that was a team leader at Baylor for 4 years under Art Briles.
  5. I'm not sure Sark will even know how to attack the SEC curtains of steel.
  6. True, but he's also in only his 4th SEC game with the prior three being Vandy, Arky, and Aggy. That's a far, far distance from being one of the best SEC backs of the past 20 or so years. It's a blowhard comment from a blowhard.
  7. I thought he was the grizzled equipment manager for that squad.
  8. All of the above qualify as alcoholics whether you think they do or not. Just the opinion of decades of research by experts in the field. Alcoholism is the inability to control drinking due to both a physical and emotional dependence on alcohol. All of the bold above have an emotional or physical dependence on alcohol. The 18 year old that binges to fit in is an alcoholic. The fella that just likes to have a bourbon every day after work to unwind is an alcoholic. The incredibly nice old lady that everyone loves but gets a little tipsy on too many 'tinis and embarrasses herself at the club is an alcoholic. People that have low stress/low profile jobs and drink beer like water on the weekend are alcoholics. Your belief that alcoholics fit into some neat category of chronic, uncontrollable dependence is just plain ignorance. I'm also not sure why you think attendance at AA meetings has any bearing on the definition. Pretty sure there were alcoholics long before AA. Sark was regularly drunk on the job. He was drunk during games. His drunkenness directly led to him being fired and almost completely destroyed his career and life. All because of his inability to not drink alcohol. Whatever the reason, genetics or external factors, alcoholism was the cause of his fall. It would appear from your comments that you don't have the affliction which you should be thankful for instead of making ignorant judgments on what is a "true" alcoholic. Maybe just sit this one out.
  9. Holy shit, the mental midgets having breakdowns at little to no adversity is so enjoyable. At least Rainbow Brite bounced back, but if my partner became such a quitting bitch as Sharik, I'd leave her ass on the corner and finish the leg by myself. The good blessing to be picked, the time/effort/cost to prepare and participate, and you want to quit the first time the game is hard???? <Piven GTFO gif> Dad's no doubt played a part in developing her spoiled brat response, so fitting he'll have to suffer. Shaping up to have a number of strong teams with no clear cut leaders. Don't know how you can root against the long-lost twins. That's just a fantastic story of the universe.
  10. Damnit, Sideshow! Gotta work on that launch angle.
  11. You may be in for rude awakening. This Texas team is not being held to less than 20 in DKR with QE under center.
  12. were And who exactly are you quoting?
  13. FIGHT! Let's fuck these sons of bitches up!
  14. 5 weeks is for the average clavicle. Ewers is above-average. Ipso facto.
  15. I'd throw a drowning Sooner an anvil.
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