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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Damor

  1. Thank you! That's not something I was aware of. I'll look at some other areas or maybe just reverse the trip.
  2. Thanks. I did do that, but from plugging in some multi-city searches it looks that if your airports are in the same region, you can save substantially on one open-jaw itinerary. Hopefully rtracking one-way fares will at least give me an idea of when to check prices.
  3. Damor

    Whatcha reading?

    Just recently reread Catch 22 (I love it). It's OK if it's not your cup of tea, but maybe try looking at the structure (repetitive, approaches the same events over and over from different angles, jumps around chronologically) as purposeful in portraying the absurdity of war and modern 'humanity.' If you don't know the story, it does draw to something of a conclusion, but it's more about the jarring ride to get there.
  4. LSU Admissions: The Only Bribe-Free Process in Louisiana Coach O has Webbed Teauxs via Imgflip Meme Generator
  5. Reminds me of my grandparents.
  6. Please pardon the relatively basic/noob question, but anyone have a good site to track flight prices for open-jaw flights with flexible dates? It looks like Kayak and Google Flights only allow flexible date tracking for round trip or one way fares. In more detail, I'm looking to put together a trip from AUSish -> DUB then LHRish -> AUSish for 4 travelers over an approx 3wk block for next July. I haven't been overseas in years and while I don't usually cheap out, being smart about a family of 4 can make a big difference in the rest of the trip. Not going to worry about the miles game on this trip (will save that for simpler travel in the future with just the wife), but as a family trip with kids, don't want to get crazy with a cheap complex multi-carrier itinerary which leaves everyone hating Dad. Thanks in advance, travel wizards.
  7. I absolutely love Long Ride Home. I found this EP on the back wall at Waterloo years ago, and it's sadly likely relegated to the dustbin of history (no youtube), but Median States by Quinimine is one of the most haunting tunes I've ever heard. Likewise, it's hard to find, but Milton Mapes put out an album with two great farewell songs, Bowie AZ and Craters of the Moon, if you can find them out there. Kinda strange to find one album with two songs I want played at my funeral. And there's this.
  8. I would say thats doable if your using the most of your 3 weeks off...lets say 19 days total with day 20/21 as rest days when you return....that leaves you with 2 full weeks for ireland/scotland with you only doing 3 days in london. Which leaves you with 2 "travel days" as wiggle room. If you fly in between then you could possibly squeeze in another location or rent car and ferry across for slower/more scenery trip Thanks. As far as getting from Ireland to Scotland, I'm guessing flying is the better bet rather than going out of the way to do a train to Belfast, then the ferry? I've always heard the nightmare stories about Ryanair, is it really that awful? On the one hand, it's only an hour flight, but on the other hand, it sounds like the flight is the least painful part of the process. But for 1/3 the cost...
  9. Awesome thread. I have a chunk of about 3 weeks off next July, and I'm trying to get started on planning a family trip with our boys (will be 15 and 12). I'm really tempted by the Germany/Alps stuff above (been there and loved it), but I think I'm going to save that for when they're a little older and can appreciate the finer points of Bavarian/Czech brewing. The other idea I'm throwing around is the British Isles. This would be our first overseas trip as a family, and neither my wife nor I have been there. I'm sure I'll pester the board in detail when I get to serious planning, but at this point I'm just trying to get a general framework. I have a Griswoldian tendency to overdo/overplan, but at the same time, I'd like to get the most out of the trip since it's an investment getting over there, and we don't have a lot of summers left with them under our roof. Here are the nebulous ideas I have floating around in my head, without a lot of specific research (beyond what I've read on Shaggy/Surly) yet: Ireland: -- Probably fly into Dublin and spend a couple days to adjust, but planning to spend more time out of the city. -- A few days in Galway (sounds like our speed) -- Doolin/Cliffs of Insanity Moher -- Ring of Kerry/Gap of Dunloe area Scotland: --Edinburgh -- Glasgow -- Isle of Skye (hiking and Talisker) -- Islay vs. Inverness/Highlands/Spey? London: -- 3 or so days to hit some high points, eat good food, let my wife see royal shit, fly back Is this too ambitious to try to cover in one trip?
  10. Yep, been that way for at least an hour. Sydney, you still home with the sick kid? I don't know what your copay is, but it might have been cheaper for you turn off the AC and take him to the ER.
  11. You make a good point, and I salute you for it. But I have to admit I am much more amused by goofing off at work playing with my smart home shit than I am by opening 19 tabs of inscrutable electric plans, setting up accounts, and other stuff that's not as fun as turning the AC off on my lazy teenager. And this is the first week I've had to pay much attention to it, otherwise I've just set it and forget it.
  12. Yeah, I'm new to it, but I can deal with the volatility if it overall balances out. I've had good fixed rate plans that ran out, and because I was distracted with other shit at the time, probably gave back any savings in the next month on whatever shit plan they defaulted me to (Or like when Breeze went under, and TXU tried to annex me like the Sudetenland for over 20c/kwh). Like Vegas, the guys who put those plans together aren't in the business of giving away money, and I simply don't have the time or desire to try to beat the house.
  13. Thanks to you assholes I pre-cooled the casa this morning and turned everything off when it started to spike. I'll still get slammed, but hopefully that will help. This will be an expensive, shitty month, but June and July were cheap enough for me that I'm OK riding it out. Thanks to my camera, I can see that my 14yo is too distracted playing Fortnite to notice that it's 78 degrees.
  14. Damor


    Absolutely. HUGE gash. A torrent just gushing through it (and smelled fishy, too). Learn from my mistake, fellas. Flip it over before you put it in.
  15. Whoa, would never have thought of that. Is it like that at all levels? Do you think that in situations like that you could pull the game up on an app (ESPN, FOX, whatever) and cast it to the TV? This had not occurred to us, dude. I don't have an HD antenna, and honestly have no idea how I'd integrate one into the system.
  16. Damor


    Well, furk. JSB may yet end up better off than me -- I stupidly took it out without giving it a thorough inspection (hey, the dog was all excited, too), and discovered a huge gash after taking on a bunch of water after about 5 min. Guess I'll be putting Austin Canoe and Kayak customer service to the test. It was fun while it lasted, though.
  17. Damor


    I'm NotActuallyJSB, but I do like his $99 price tag better than mine, and am also curious to see how his order turns out.
  18. Damor


    My new ride finally came in. Hoping to take it out this evening -- got home too late last night, so I just idly festooned it with stickers.
  19. Medical exam rooms with HIPAA-violating unrelated patient hard-copy imaging hanging on viewboxes. And the chest x-ray is always fucking hung backwards.
  20. "Jelly-of-the-Month-Club" would have been a better option than the current shit-sammich everyone's getting.
  21. OK, I finally looked at my Grande bill and realized that I'm pissing away over $150/mo on cable that nobody has watched in months, so I need to get this done before football season. While I'd prefer how Youtube TV would integrate with my other Google shit, unless anyone knows about any impending inclusion of LHN, I guess it'll be PSVue. Just to be sure it'll do what I want it to do, for football season I'd like to be able to watch 3-4 different games concurrently (via Chromecasts). I understand that I can have up to 5 streams once I set a home device, so that seems like it should work, correct? Can all of those streams be from one user profile, or would different users have to cast to each TV? Also, if I understand correctly, Youtube TV doesn't count apps (WatchESPN, etc) as a stream - is that the same for PSVue?
  22. It's my understanding that you should be able to claim monies spent on credit monitoring since 7/2017. It only took a minute for me to search my credit card statements and PDF those to upload, so that's something to think about. I won't be shocked if I only get $0.32 out of this in the end, but it's managed to satisfyingly stoke my righteous indignation.
  23. OK, trying this Kviek stuff out for the first time on an AHS Norwegian farmhouse ale. Never had a starter krauesen this much. Kviek evidently responds well to the brewing soundtrack of Viking Death Metal. What fermentation temp have y'all been using? I was thinking somewhere between 85-95 just because I can and it's summer.
  24. How the fuck Equifax is allowed to continue as a going concern instead of being liquidated to fucking oblivion is beyond me. I had seven fucking fraudulent accounts I had to disentangle thanks to these cockmonglers. Fortunately, I kept all my email correspondence , police reports, and notes labeled, so all I had to do was send them as PDFs (with a generously conservative effort of 40 hours of my life down the shitter), as well as documentation of over $600 I've spent on credit monitoring since then. We'll see what comes of it. I've been wanting to add an extra TV to the game room for football season, I guess that's better than nothing.
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