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Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand

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Everything posted by Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand

  1. "They'll never repeal Ro..., uh, The Civil Rights Act."
  2. I don't even know who the CEO of Ford is. My news feed tried, unsuccessfully and annoyingly at first, to force me to know who Elon Musk was. That wasn't enough, so Elon Musk insisted and bought the world's largest social media site, because apparently I "didn't get" Elon or why he was the most interesting man the world in the first few hundred or so inescapable encounters. Now he's a clown fire confirming most things I suspected but had little idea were so cartoonishly accurate.
  3. Even though it was Alex Jones, I thought the Hillary smelled like sulphur thing was oddly to specific.
  4. Well this has been a 2 Farts trending day. Good job, MAGA. At least you didn't set yourselves on fire.
  5. Your Honor, I feel I'm not being heard. It seems you don't quite understand the consequences of my actions are going to have a significant negative impact on my life. Honestly, sort of a big fail on your part.
  6. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/clay-travis-jury-tampering-trump-trial_n_661d5d85e4b015646f788a5f
  7. Good ol' boy coming outta the Lampasas Stripes to me in passing: "Truckload of ugly right there!"
  8. The Berlin Wall is never coming down. Gay marriage will never be legal. There will never be a college football playoffs. Donald Trump will never be president...
  9. They'll refer to him as The Big Guy like companies refer to the Super Bowl as The Big Game.
  10. And then Robert E Lee said "They're after me Lucky Charms." But Trix, they're for kids. They're great. Like America's great. And will be great again. Wow.
  11. Of course the guy born on 3rd base thought he got unlimited strikes.
  12. "Oh! Look at his leg twitching! He's running from the cops!"
  13. I'd be showing the best ones.
  14. Just have someone sitting next to him with a spray bottle give him a couple of squirts every time he starts flapping his jaws.
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