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Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand

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Everything posted by Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand

  1. Wow! This blows Trumpy Bear and Jim Bakker Patriot Gruel outta the water. Five Stars!
  2. I want the benefits of supporting an authoritarian fascist party without the burden of being treated as a person who supports an authoritarian fascist party.
  3. I like soldiers who don't get captured.
  4. Your cult leader would spend all morning on social media rage tweeting Fox when he was president. Then he'd nom nom some Big Macs. And if it was Thursday, he would then jet off for a four day golf weekend. Fat boy, always grinding.
  5. It's not. It's been pointed out to me repeatedly by visitors. And fuck these flies who thought my home was their nesting place.
  6. Tejas means friend. If you don't get it, move along and good luck.
  7. I live in MAGAland and my Texas-roots goes generations deep. My bones are going to be buried here. The Dan Patricks, Chip Roys and every other Johnny Come Lately In A Cartoon Cowboy Hat masquerading as a local can EABOD and DIAF.
  8. Tennessee Lege joins the chase Picnic Table Ascot Super Jowls Warns Bill Nye He Better Have Lunch Money, ABC Sports Calculates Lunch Money Odds, Tina Discovers Floppy Thing On Side Of Her Head, Fob Punches Own Face
  9. I think this Smithsonian Sidedoor episode does a really good job in no small part in that it includes audio interview excerpts from first-hand witnesses. https://beta.prx.org/stories/206399
  10. Are you being paid by the I'm Kash Patel And I'm Paying Garrett O'Boyle Foundation? "At one point, O’Boyle was asked by Democrat Dan Goldman whether Kash Patel, who held multiple roles in the Trump administration, is helping finance O’Boyle’s legal counsel. The witness replied: “Not that I’m aware of.” The answer has raised eyebrows because, during a previous interview with the House of Representatives’ weaponisation subcommittee in February, O’Boyle disclosed that his legal fees are being paid by a nonprofit organisation called Fight With Kash, also known as the Kash Foundation and run by Kash Patel." https://www.msn.com/en-US/news/politics/republican-faces-questions-over-whether-he-lied-under-oath-to-key-panel/ar-AA1bw7aP?ocid=sapphireappshare
  11. Ok. Maybe Twitter isn't the most accurate source for news, but it's still first to break stories. Advantage: Elon
  12. I wonder how fast fascists who pose with pedophiles at the White House whiplash back to opposing the cancel culture they were totally fine with when the Dixie Chicks were made headlines. I'm going to guess within a year.
  13. When Texas schools start hiring school chaplains they'll be in charge of inspecting children's genitals for bathroom use.
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