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Everything posted by 27-25

  1. Platform? We're talking about a platform? Platform 2020: Whatever Dear Leader says (at that moment)
  2. Hyperbole much, Bill? He seems to be taking oratory queues from the Liar in Chief. It may have been a few years since he read a history book. Maybe he should brush up on some stuff that was glossed over back then. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_Exclusion_Act https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuskegee_Syphilis_Study https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Crow_laws https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Scare https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trail_of_Tears
  3. When reading about the TikTok deal in the past I really kind of blew off the idea that the US government would threaten a company with banishment, compel them to sell assets under duress and then demand part of proceeds that results. He just came out and enumerated it exactly. Conservatism at its best? Right wingers love their taxation is theft memes. How is this not theft? This man MUST lose in November.
  4. She just had to rattle off all the states for effect and I would guess the copy used postal abbreviations. MI != MS Kayleigh!
  5. Why does every damn thing have to have his name on it? I realize he wants it. Stimulus check sent to my dead father had his name on it. Government communication should be from the US government, not re-branded as largess from Dear Leader. I didn't get this card. Maybe it got sidelined next to the pallet of dead chicks in the mail. Makes sense that his guidelines would fit on a postcard though: 1. Don't wear a mask, it's not manly 2. Liberate <Fill in your state here>! 3. Own the libtards!
  6. Possible. My money is on him making it all up. Since he hates anonymous sources he could always just tell us who it was. But he won't.
  7. Can charges be brought on this? Or is the fact they did it to themselves as opposed to someone else a legal out?
  8. Didn't change cancer rates at all. Total failure! Might as well not bother repainting other turbines. Waste of money. #WindThemDown
  9. No, this is brand new territory. It's not that there weren't tough questions from sometimes less than friendly reporters. That's part of the job and to be expected. What's happening with this administration is amateur shit show hour. And the difference now is not the reporters, with the possible exception of crap outlets like OANN even being let in the door, but the other side of the dais.
  10. So can we expect Dr. Fauci to never be "available" for any media interviews until after the election at which point he will be terminated?
  11. He used the magic word that indicates he's lying (well, REALLY lying beyond the norm). Any quote of his that includes "Sir". Do we have a bingo card with that on it?
  12. USPS doesn't want Congress to see what's going on behind closed doors: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/congresswoman-blocked-touring-mail-facility-postal-service-police-n1239359 Sure, require a longer advanced notice from a member of Congress (more so than they did in the past apparently) such that they have plenty of time move piles of backedup up mail elsewhere and out of sight. Seems legit.
  13. Definitely Ramen. Can't find cans of soup in the store anyway, what with antifa stocking up and all.
  14. Which is exactly one of my fears. How much pressure will DJT and the RNC apply on election night for Biden to concede and results to be declared? Do you recall the relatively small group that protested the recount in FL in 2000? I fear something far worse this time around. I live in CA now, so I'm fairly confident my mail in ballot will be counted. If I lived in some other states the level of confidence would be far less. This is the America in which we live, which is chilling.
  15. DJT versus Kim Jong-Un at golf? How much would you pay to see that epic golf match? The greatest golfers of all time!
  16. And here is the problem with this country in a nutshell.
  17. Wait, they leak the information BEFORE they even get it? That's some 3D chess mastery right there!
  18. As long as they are not kneeling for BLM, that's OK.
  19. Hope they all shared a group hug to celebrate their "winning".
  20. We may not have much say in the matter. He may flee to Russia after losing. And if DOTUS has failed anyone, it's not Russia.
  21. Agree that China and Russia are lying on a massive scale. The other takeaway is that among this list the good old USA is tackling the COVID-19 pandemic about as well as Mexico and Brazil in terms of deaths per capita. Fantastic!
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