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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by DalTxHornFan

  1. God bless John Erickson (and Hank and Drover and the whole gang, too!) -- pretty sure that's how my kids learned to read!
  2. It's opening weekend for deer hunting. I'll be watching the game out at the hunting lease. BTHOKS!
  3. I must be lucky. I've been hunting with my FIL's 1950's era Savage 99 in a .308 since the early 1980's. I did some range practice with it when I first bought it from my BIL's, but it didn't require any adjustments even back then. I haven't had to do any range practice since then -- and it has always sent the bullets to where I was pointing at. I do keep the rifle in a hard shell case and don't take it out until headed to the blind. I imagine that all the hiking that you have to do in hunting Elk could end up screwing up the optics on a rifle and scope.
  4. Graceland is kitschy, but fun. Civil Rights Museum is worth a trip. Beale Street is fun. Many good bars with live music. Dyer's Burgers are legit. And for the love of God, stay away from The Rendezvous.
  5. Local counsel is always good. I had a lawyer from Chicago call me about needing some help on a case that he had pending in BEX-AR County Texas (that's the way he pronounced it) -- my first response was: "Have you engaged local counsel?"
  6. We're Texas! (Am I doing this right?)
  7. So sad that Dave South retired.
  8. Speak slowly and use small words.
  9. At least he's there with some women though? Though he out-boobs them.
  10. Not a doctor, but it is never a bad idea to get your affairs in order.
  11. Maybe PK is watching and will pick up on this defensive tactic?
  12. OK, cool. I've never heard of this guy, but Google tells me that he is a blogger that dropped out of HS, but later obtained the Canadian equivalent of a GED. He also went on to college studies, but was not awarded any degrees. Why, exactly, are you quoting him as an apparent authority on anything?
  13. Stainless steel "soap" bar. I thought this was just a gimmick, but I received one as a gift from someone who knows how much I make gumbo, chili, Tex-Mex, and other food that involves cutting and chopping onions and garlic. The darn thing works like a champ in removing the onion/garlic/ other smells from your hands.
  14. Good on y'all. KC has needed an decent airport for a long time.
  15. This is the kind of thing I was thinking of with respect to local market issues. There will be some store dispositions in Dallas and Houston. Kroger-Albertsons Antitrust Review Likely to Focus on Local Store Overlap Authorities who scrutinized other grocery deals tended to examine local market share in specific regions https://www.wsj.com/articles/kroger-albertsons-antitrust-review-likely-to-focus-on-local-store-overlap-11666344601?mod=hp_lista_pos5 Sorry if you can't see this article due to WSJ paywall, but if you don't subscribe to WSJ, you may want to reconsider some of your life choices.
  16. He went on to be a big time lawyer at Clark, Thomas & Winters in Austin. Impressive (and imposing, size wise) guy.
  17. Who is opposing them? Maybe some guys like: Adam Smith? Frédéric Bastiat? Henry Hazlitt? Milton Friedman?
  18. No doubt that you will next be hearing from his lawyer. Crazy times.
  19. Parigi is always good, especially if the weather is good enough to sit outside on the patio.
  20. So, I have 7 HEB's (and one Costco) within 15 miles and I live out in the sticks. It must really suck to not have an HEB nearby (when they are open).
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