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Everything posted by KaiserSoze

  1. The downtown library is awesome- I love it. For a few years (up until the Pandemic sent us remote) I worked in one of the buildings right across the creek from it. I live right across the river so would pick up books/DVDs on my walk to and from work. On nice weather days I'd walk over and work on the rooftop (still do occasionally just for a change of scenery and to hit bars/restaurants I like) and every so often I'd get lunch or a beer at the cafe. It's fantastic- beautiful design and great working space. One Saturday during the 2020 election I was doing a Saturday barhopping walkabout through downtown and on the walk home stopped into the library to take a leak before crossing the river. I hadn't voted yet so was able to take care of that at the same time and lit a celebratory joint as I exited the library- easily my favorite voting experience ever. I'd vote for it again, especially just to read all of the mouthbreather/illerati complaints on Surly.
  2. KaiserSoze

    Getting old sucks

    Similar, I've had progressive lenses for 10 years or so and have never experienced what nnm is describing.
  3. Not to get too sentimental, but your post revived fond memories of the time I took your mom to Pound Town.
  4. A new context for the whole "I thought you'd be bigger" bit.
  5. https://www.cowboysindians.com/2024/01/lonesome-dove-at-25/
  6. I experienced this recently for the first time in ages. Driving back from West Texas late December I got the headlight flash so I slowed down a good bit... sure enough ~1/2 mile down the road was a State Trooper parked by the road just waiting. I don't take nearly as many road trips as I did 25-30 years ago, but I feel like I saw it regularly back then vs. rarely these days.
  7. My elementary school had Apple IIs in 1980, and we played Oregon Trail on them. Houston yes, but not NASA.
  8. KaiserSoze

    Getting old sucks

    A good friend of mine started experiencing this a few years back (in his late 50s) typically after drinking even if not that much. After weighing the pros/cons of meds vs. ablation he went with the ablation surgery. It has been ~3 years now and all good- no issues since the procedure.
  9. Holy shit that show's openings are hilarious. I watched it a while back when it was included in the Amazon Prime Video lineup... pretty damn funny.
  10. I believe it was horse beastiality? Someone on ShaggyBevo posted links to a beastility message board that had a bunch of posts about sex w/horses that were all signed "Bernard" the same way he did it here. They were creepily detailed.
  11. Summer between 9th-10th grade in Houston with full heat+humidity in an unairconditioned warehouse- working manual presses in gutter factory, bending sheet metal into drip-edge forms and gutter all day up until the day Football 2-a-days started. What a beating. That said, I needed $$ and it provided. Sophomore year at Texas Tech I worked as a night stocker at Albertsons (4th/Slide), 10pm-7am four nights a week. After that I'd go to class from 8am-3pm, get home, study, sleep, then back to work. Those were the "worst" jobs I've had, and I have plenty of entertaining stories from each, but overall they contributed to my appreciation of how fucking easy I've had it since then. Good times.
  12. Same for me the last ~20 years and it'll probably be that way until the end. Prior to that I used a more traditional money clip, and before that a bi-fold.
  13. Yesterday afternoon at AFS Cinema I attended a showing of a documentary about Houston's old rock station 101 KLOL. MAC makes a couple of appearances in the film as an interviewee.
  14. Props to everyone who recommended this one. It's not a genre I would've given a look otherwise and it has been very good (have watched 1-5 so far).
  15. We end up seeing at least 7 pods on the planet in the first handful of episodes. Really enjoyed the series. Hadn't heard about it until recently when a coworker mentioned it.
  16. KaiserSoze

    Disc Golf

    Played the Austin Beerworks course today. Wow, very fun course.
  17. KaiserSoze


    I have, but it has been a few years since my last visit. My memory is that it was above average - pretty darn good.
  18. I have a 2010 Tacoma- crew cab 4wd. Interior is pretty basic, so I'd pass if that's a big factor (sounds like it is for you). Otherwise it has been a fantastic and reliable truck. I only drive ~1k miles a year so interior features don't matter much for me, and I enjoy not giving a shit about dings, scrapes, etc.
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