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Gut Wagon

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Everything posted by Gut Wagon

  1. I'm having to follow this one online. Someone please give me a summation of our assorted woes thus far.
  2. I'm actually laughing at this point.
  3. He's also on the basketball team?
  4. Go to those "foam" helmets and do away with all this worry about leading with the crown.
  5. All it took for Bregman to fall off a cliff was for DeRosa to do that long, gushing segment about how awesome he still is.
  6. Regardless of tonight's outcome, it seems to me we have two main options to pick from in describing this year: (1) We're still a title-level team, but we've just had some unfortunate injuries even as the league was improving dramatically; or (2) We have a haphazardly constructed roster whose shortcomings have been accentuated by inept managing and perhaps complacency. Timely hot streaks by a few hitters are the only reason we don't have an even worse record than we do. Season's clearly not over yet. But with every passing game, (2) looks like a much better description of reality. Brown has a lot of work to do this winter, starting with finding a brighter bulb for the dugout.
  7. The good news is that we tend to play the good teams well. The bad news is that we tend to play the bad teams so poorly, we might not even get to play the good teams.
  8. I'm fine with this. Especially if Milroe plays RB in that game and goes over 100...with him also throwing a bonus TD pass to Burton.
  9. Their very own Shaka Smart debacle. Just way more expensive and causing way more angst for way more fans.
  10. I'll must admit that when I think of sheepskins, it's all about aggy.
  11. What a moment Jimbo's arrival in B/CS was. That clip of his 28-inch Smurf legs striding past the ragtag band was straight out of Animal House. Of course, their "fill in the blank year" national title trophy sent it all even farther into the stratosphere of lameness. BTW, in case you're ever bored enough to look for more on that great moment in aggy history, I suggest you use search terms other than "Jimbo red carpet."
  12. With 44 at the plate, getting any distance at all off base would seem a miscalculation.
  13. Hard to stay positive about a club that's almost daring October to omit it.
  14. There's no rational way to spin a defending champion being .500 at home this late in the year. You can run into a hot team now and then, but if you're good enough to be 20 games over on the road, you have no excuse for this slop you keep feeding the home fans. Man up.
  15. Even a team as bad as the A's can hit 94 mph fastballs thrown down the pipe. But let's keep throwing them, just to make sure.
  16. Aggy didn't lose to Miami. They just ran out of traction.
  17. True...but I think it can still be an effective change-of-pace formation when run with the right personnel. At a smaller school facing less sophisticated/skilled defenses its threat might be especially useful. That said, I can't imagine Milroe wanting to be used as a "spare part" anywhere, even at Bama.
  18. Could be great in the wildcat. Strong runner with a strong arm is clearly what you want in that package. Somebody out there could get way more out of his potential than jolly St. Nick did Saturday.
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