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Everything posted by atomheartbevo

  1. And in the past, we could not give a shit and just ignore them, because they were mostly harmless, but now they spread this stupid shit to other family members and friends through social media, text messages, etc. so this shit has to be called out. Otherwise, Aunt Edna is spending her retirement checks on stupid MAGA grifting, or she’s saying things that denigrate other family members beyond a simple “oh he or she is a Democrat”.
  2. Judge Cannon just rejected Trump's bogus Presidential Records Act defense, but only for now. She has (weirdly and pointedly) refused to actually decide the issue, despite Jack Smith's warning that double jeopardy would then apply. I think Smith has no choice but to go to the 11th Circuit on mandamus. It's a tough standard, but it is met here.
  3. Texas Legislature coming for HEB next year?
  4. Somebody did a doc about the Clue movie that bombed in theaters but became popular on home video/streaming.
  5. My dad when he sees that:
  6. The bigger impact will be rural areas. There’s probably 100-150 counties (or more) that would dry up and blow away if their schools are wrecked,
  7. Alex Jones and Joe Rogan now have a guest whenever they need to fill some time. How long until Abbott, Paxton, or Patrick are photographed with her? How long until she runs for a public office?
  8. Damn, Karl Rove going hard in the paint, call the J6ers thugs and saying "Every one of those sons of bitches who did that, we ought to find them, try them, and send them to jail."
  9. Another WWII doc - companion to Masters of the Air, on Apple TV
  10. Hulu/History Channel - The 761st Tank Battalion: The Original Black Panthers https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/black-panthers-761st-tank-battalion https://www.history.com/specials/761st-tank-battalion-the-original-black-panthers
  11. Hulu/History Channel - The 761st Tank Battalion: The Original Black Panthers https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/black-panthers-761st-tank-battalion https://www.history.com/specials/761st-tank-battalion-the-original-black-panthers
  12. Technically I won't know until after the election, when I check some of voting records (at least the ones I have the right info for, depending on the state). I may not be able to see if they voted for Trump, but whether they voted or not will be telling in and of itself. None of them seem keen on flying Trump flags or putting Trump 2024 bumper stickers on their cars, but that maybe just general embarrassment over being Trump supporters. In family group chats either on phone or social media, when challenged on stuff (stolen election, etc.) they tend to change the topic or just not answer - 3-4 years ago, they would have gotten angry and pushed back hard. Maybe they are tired of defending stupid shit, but I have a feeling they do know on some level that Trump is not who they believe him to be. Two things I do: If they bring up stolen elections, I ask them why Trump won't release the proof after nearly 4 years, and if they get into immigrant shit, I tell them to say the same stuff in front of the Hispanic members of the family. That shuts them up.
  13. My qanon in-law tried to tell us COVID was fake, but she was fucking terrified that because most of the family was vaccinated, that we'd shed our COVID proteins on her. She also would not do laundry unless she runs a few empty loads with bleach through the washing machine first, because COVID proteins.
  14. You can also take every crackpot Republican thing that comes out, whether Qanon or whatever Trump is spouting, and throw it at them and say "this is who your friends and family think you are, because you are associating with these people and supporting these politicians."
  15. How do you overcome that? You tell them that no matter how many hours a day they watch Fox News, no matter how they vote or how often they vote, nothing they do matters because the election will go the way that George Soros wants it to go.
  16. Bingo. The "woke" bullshit is just that - bullshit. 9 times out of 10 if somebody uses "woke", it means they are intellectually lazy and don't want to have to think hard about defending why they don't like something. And way too many of those idiots have never watched the movie/series (because it's "woke"), or are not a fan of comic book stuff in general, or may even be DC fanboys. And I've actually had people ask me if the MCU is flailing around because they heard it went "woke" and I have to explain that "no, it's flailing around because the writing went to shit, the overall plots that should tie all of the movies together are not being clearly laid out, people don't know who the main baddies are, and several of the movies seemingly have no connection to one another and just exist for the sake of existing, because somebody thought the comic did well so they should make a movie out of it. Marvel's biggest problem is not some "woke" bullshit, it's how are they going to bring alien-powered humans who are out doing space shit, eternal superheroes who inspired earth's mythologies and who are in hiding, vampires, Deadpool and Wolverine, Asian mysticism, and some American super soldiers together. Yeah, they have this massive stable of comics and people should not have been surprised that they'd tap that well (especially since when they started laying it out, they were lacking the X-Men and Spidey). I'd argue that they had to start hitting up the B-list and C-list comic book heroes, because if they had simply rehashed the originals (Thor, Cap, Ironman/War Machine, Hulk, Black Widow/Hawkeye and a few others (Ant-Man)) or worse, recast the originals with new actors and new names, it would have bombed miserably. But they are fucking up by trying to bring all of these very disparate heroes and plots together. They pulled it off with Endgame because of the infinity gems touched on all the main plots/heroes in some manner. I think they should have been just willing to make some stand-alone movies (Eternals and Marvels are great examples), have the phases be more self-contained (the current phase should have wrapped with a Doctor Strange movie), and not have this desire to have these movies all somehow feed into Secret Wars.
  17. With the first phase or two of the MCU, we had basically half-a-dozen or so main characters, and outside of Thor/Loki (and the Guardians), they were mostly contemporaries whose powers/etc. were easily shown/developed on screen, and we had one overriding baddie (Thanos). Even before Majors' legal issues, there was no sign/clue for most of the mainstream audiences that Kang was the Thanos of this next grouping (the Multiverse Saga, which many fans don't even realize is the name). The ancillary heroes introduced during/after the first phase of the Infinity Saga (Ant-Man, Hulk, Wanda, etc.) were still in service of moving the main plot lines along towards Endgame. Too many of the current movies (Eternals and Marvels stand out) and shows feel superfluous or they are standing on their own island and have nothing to do with anybody else, and don't feel like they are pushing towards the Secret Wars showdown in three years. Shit, if you mention Secret Wars, many fans might think it's season two of Secret Invasion. And it's all muddied by the Sony movies (Venom, Kraven, Madame Web, etc.) having the Marvel label, further confusing fans. I think they fucked up by not having everybody in the first phase or two of the Multiverse Saga come together earlier. In the Infinity Saga, we had 5 movies covering 4 main heroes and then the first Avengers movie. This time we are going to have 15 movies cover over 20 main characters before they come together. The confusion will be/is high. I think we should have had the Doctor Strange movie start really pulling more heroes together like the first Avengers did... And the Doctor Strange movie was the 28th MCU movie - let that sink in for a moment. The brilliance of Endgame was that even the seemingly unrelated movies (Captain America in 1940s war-torn Europe, Thor doing his thing) were still driving the plot because they focused on the Infinity gems. That's not the case with the current movies. They feel like they are their own self-contained shows.
  18. I think a huge part of the problem is that fatigue set in after Endgame with too many heroes, worsened by them pumping out more movies than they should have, without a clear "endgame" (pun intended) for the audience - most of the audiences for the pre-Endgame movies knew that something big is on the horizon. The hero bullpen was fairly small, everybody could easily identify most of them, and most of the movies were moving either plot lines or characters towards where they were going to be when Endgame happened (Tony Stark was going to be neurotic/PTSD/worn out, Thor was going to have self-doubt where he had none before, Captain America was going to be weary, more cynical, etc.). Since Endgame, there have been groups or super heroes introduced where you have no idea if their storylines will come together as happened with Endgame. Will the Marvels and Eternals and Shang-Chi and the Thunderbolts and Doctor Strange and the new characters from Black Panther 2 come together? How does Deadpool and Wolverine fit into that? Blade? We've got these three heroes with related Marvelous cosmic powers, we have super heroes that have been around for thousands of years and inspired ancient mythologies, we have this Shang-Chi guy with magic powers and dragons, we have this former Army guy who was disfigured and is kind of like Captain America in that he's super strong and heals fast, and then there's Wolverine who is an experimental soldier or wait, he's been around for centuries and had powers hundreds of years ago so how did he get that metal skeleton, and then we are going to have a vampire fighting vampires.
  19. I'm more impressed that Newsmax of all places is calling him out.
  20. And some folks in agriculture.
  21. You say “prison” I say a giant “blender”
  22. The Tencent series is not terrible, but feels like it needed to be shorter by several episodes.
  23. Can we crowd-source a big-ass blender and put him in it?
  24. The Crimean bridge is scheduled to be destroyed in the first half of 2024. Its destruction is inevitable - The Main Directorate of Intelligence of Ukraine official in an interview with The Guardian He added that the head of the department, Budanov, already has "most of the resources to complete this task."
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