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Everything posted by qwertyu1234

  1. You think he could be a decent fullback/special teams player in the NFL?
  2. They say the simplest explanation is usually the most likely, so obviously one vote for pretzel ghost.
  3. I live in Pennsylvania and have seen that ad like 6 times today. Just throwing his money away.
  4. i think of him as the Jewish version of the black white supremacist skit from the Chappelle Show.
  5. I've always wondered why this show never got syndicated.
  6. qwertyu1234

    Cut short

    Lennon, Hendrix and Mercury
  7. Trump is a pussy, fake bone spurs out front should have told you.
  8. I first heard this on the radio and thought it was some iconic country musician. Wrong.
  9. Maybe because Ringo is a lefty? Idk...
  10. You can't lose to Ohio State if you don't play them
  11. People say we need to feel like voting for Biden instead of voting against Trump. What is there to be excited about with Biden, serious question...
  12. Pos rep for a serious answer, which is extra surprising since it was the first response.
  13. Why does everyone keep mentioning NowThis?
  14. I actually really like this song which is noise rock...i think.
  15. Since other people are doing it.... Radiohead-Ok Computer Cake-Fashion Nugget St.Vincent-Strange Mercy The Beatles-Revolver Placebo-Without You I'm Nothing Blondie-Parallel Lines Led Zeppelin III Aesop Rock-Labor Days The Hush Sound-Like Vines Red Hot Chili Peppers-Blood Sugar Sex Magik
  16. The Clash-London Calling Metallica-Master of Puppets The Beatles-Rubber Soul Neko Case-Blacklisted Ween-Quebec Rilo Kiley-The Execution of all Things Spoon-Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga New Pornographers- Mass Romantic Velvet Underground and Nico Regina Spektor-Soviet Kitsch
  17. Because why vote for the lesser of two evils?
  18. It's crazy to me that the gray haired chick who looks like death and who's posture on her sofa reminds me of the jaba the hut was legit hot when she was younger. Also, while i never liked her this is the first episode i FF through Robin's scenes.
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