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Everything posted by idigTexas

  1. While we are at it, I did the math, and I'm fairly certain that we are going to have to score more points than Oklahoma State if we want to have a good chance to win. Someone should let the coaches know that they should focus on scoring the most points. Allowing fewer points to be scored against us may also be beneficial but I haven't had time to crunch the numbers.
  2. I went with a 60/40 sink with a bunch of workstation accessories. The 40 is plenty for most use, and the 60 is there when I need it.
  3. ^^ This. When I upgraded my sink last year, I had the disposal removed. I barely used the thing. Anything big enough to require using a disposal shouldn't be put down there anyway.
  4. Absolutely. I didn't see anything particularly difficult about the Maypole challenge, and they definitely should not have used the EP there. It sucks that they didn't really get to take advantage of it, especially since dad almost had a heart attack earning it. Saving it for the last leg was the right move, but it wouldn't have helped them much regardless of which task they skipped.
  5. I don't think they have any way of knowing they are on the last task until they finish it and receive the clue to travel to the pit stop. All the tasks were relatively quick and easy, so they weren't going to gain much time no matter when they used the express pass. There really wasn't much of an advantage to having it on that leg. It would have been interesting to see how things might have played out if they completed Maypole, and were on their own or with the beards instead of with dad/daughter when navigation on foot broke down. Dad/daughter struggle with navigation, and can't make up time on foot because dad is dad-aged. The smart play might be to just follow them and then outrace them to the mat at the end. That only works if you can hang with them in the tasks which isn't always the case.
  6. Man, they sure have been lining up immunity challenges that suit Bruce. Glad Austin was able to outlast him. I was a little concerned for Emily that she was disclosing so much info, as that often has a way of backfiring, but she was masterful at making Bruce feel comfortable. She was already doing well, but that definitely scored her some big points. Game is definitely on now. I think Jake and Katurah have survived long enough to be carried to the end and help the rest make moves. The Dee/Austin thing is going to make them both targets at some point.
  7. Yeah they didn't gain much from using it there, but not sure there was an obvious better option...the trash sort maybe?
  8. I'm torn, because I like her dad. Can he trade his daughter for basketball dude?
  9. Though losing to OkSt would be disappointing, the season as a whole is already a success in my eyes. Anything else we accomplish is icing.
  10. I like it when players support the other local franchises. That's not always the case.
  11. What if another pandemic breaks out during the game, or a meteor falls on DKR?
  12. It's not a big deal because the guideline that applies to teams winning conference championships hasn't been applied yet. They are not getting in over a 12-1 conference champion, and neither is Georgia if they lose to Bama. Edit: C-Man beat me to it.
  13. I'm rooting for Nix and Penix to be knocked out in the first quarter for the rest of the season, and for Oregon to win 6-2 with both teams turning the ball over 5 times.
  14. So what? What teams would also be undefeated having played Georgia's schedule THIS SEASON?
  15. I'm sick of seeing the "they beat the 2x defending champion" argument. What the fuck does Georgia's accomplishments from the previous two seasons have to do with this season?
  16. Yep. I hope they use it wisely.
  17. The brothers never seem to make navigational errors, and have only had issues completing a few of the tasks. They should be the heavy favorites. I have the father/daughter and father/son also likely to make the final 3. Based on performance to date, the beards should be next to go, followed by husband/wife. Things rarely go as expected, so it will likely be one of my top 3 going this week.
  18. I wouldn't ask that. It's how surly sleuths identify you as someone who stalks women on the internets.
  19. You assume that the evaluations that put Oregon in front of us are carved in stone, never to be reconsidered. They got a lot of credit for beating teams that were perceived at the time to be very good. Many of those teams have shown that they are not so good after all. Texas was in a cycle where we were struggling to put away teams. There's also the common opponent factor which only came into play this week. I'm not expecting Texas to jump Oregon this week, but I would not be at all surprised if they do. If they don't, I will still have hope that they could, not knowing what has been reconsidered and whether the committee has to figure out how to justify Alabama getting into the CFP. They have changed the order of teams every week, even when everyone has won. The order of Oregon and Texas is not immune to that.
  20. Texas - 41 Oklahoma State - 23 Yards - 277
  21. If they want a chance to prove that they are the best team in the country, then they should show that they are the best team in their conference by beating Alabama...like we did. Hell, they won't even have to do it in Tuscaloosa.
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