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Bender Bending Rodriguez

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Everything posted by Bender Bending Rodriguez

  1. Director almost missed a full pitch being too focused on showing their “crazy fans”.
  2. I think he’s mentioned on Comedians in Cars that coffee drinking is something he adopted after the show and he quickly became pretty obsessed with it.
  3. Yeah, some of that stuff could be mildly entertaining, but there was definitely a stretch where he just went to that well too many times. That became a channel changing cue for me, after a while.
  4. Today I learned I was 37 years old before I started caring about the Astros. I need to ask my dad why we went to all those games in the Dome and named our cat Nolan. It’s just not adding up.
  5. Has Bleacher Report apologized to the 7 Seattle fansites whining about insensitive social media graphics?
  6. For all the great physical comedy Kramer’s character was legendary for, I think this 15 seconds might be his best work. I love the spin and fall to the ground at the end. So perfect.
  7. I just went to the courthouse and had my daughter renamed Yordan.
  8. I thought our house was bought at a grocery store after having its bar code rung up at the register. I also thought the song “Secret Agent Man” was “Secret Asian Man”.
  9. It’s an old tradition where the corp dudes squeeze their nut sack as hard as they can so they can endure a similar pain the football team is experiencing on the field in a tight game. Yeah. That’s it. That’s the story behind it.
  10. I loved how Arnold’s version of saying Mars had about 7 syllables in Total Recall.
  11. Comments on the tweet show that it’s a photographer taking photos.
  12. Possibly Fight Club. Came out a few years later and was widely panned by critics for being an aggressive, boys club type of movie. Both had crazy reveals toward the end of the movie.
  13. Supposedly, del Toro read the script and saw that he died first and had virtually zero impact on the plot, so he decided to have an outrageous accent so that he stood out in some way. In retrospect, he’s definitely right in that it’s the definition of a nothing part if played totally straight.
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