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Everything posted by Sandman

  1. The shower pan is leaking so the whole thing has to be torn out and redone. And I'm only 90% white, I think that means I get a pass or something? 4 acres and a chicken? Maybe mediterranean folks don't count.
  2. We have a contractor coming over at noon to talk about our shower remodel, the time is 9:30 and I'm brushing my teeth. Her: Did you go to the bathroom already? Me: ....Yeah. Why? H: Well, I closed the lid to the toilet, just so it looks better for when he comes over. M: You know, I might have to use the toilet again in the next 2 and a half hours. H: Haha, yeah I guess. M: Also, I know how to raise and lower the lid without any help. H: Laughing stops. Tone intensifies.
  3. I did an event with your wife's V as well.
  4. It's about 70 miles NW of OKC, in the middle of nowhere.
  5. My ex sister-in-law went to rehab in Cushing. She's much better now but supposedly, Cushing is a great place to score some drugs. /CSB
  6. I had to change my work schedule from 10 hours/4 days a week to a regular 8-5 M-F, due to this pandemic. I swear I haven't felt better in quite a while. Not dragging ass on the way to work at 6, not falling asleep in my chair at home at 6:30. I don't think I was getting enough sleep, nor was I getting quality sleep. I would wake up feeling nauseous almost every day, hoping it would pass by the time I got out of the shower. And I really think it's helped mentally as well. I still get irritated but it doesn't linger, I just feel too good for it to stick. There was talk about my office geting rid of alternative schedules but even if they don't, I don't think I can go back. Working on Friday sucks but it's a small price to pay to feel this much better.
  7. My wife is working from home and she texted me this morning to tell me one of our dogs puked all over the living room rug. As an added plus, it appears he ate a pile of shit for breakfast. I'll get to enjoy the harrowing tale of my wife's heroic cleaning efforts tonight when I get home. I can't fucking wait. So if you like to tell stories like that, get a dog.
  8. You have just placed Maroon 5 in the pantheon of music legends and you need to answer for it, buddy.
  9. My money was deposited today. Conveniently, the shower in my master bath is leaking and has to be gutted and redone. The quote was in the neighborhood of $2000. Fucking hell.
  10. When I log into my credit union app, it shows up as a pending transaction and it has the date of 4-15 on it. I assume that means it'll get deposited on that day. I never even thought about trying to look at the IRS side of it, that sounds like a huge headache.
  11. My deposit is pending for Wednesday but I was just made aware of the fine print. If the dependents you claimed on your taxes are over 17, you get jack shit instead of $500 each. And because they were dependents, they get jack shit as well. So much for that extra $1000.
  12. But I don't live in South Austin!
  13. I'm not sure what the reasons may be but my sex life has ramped up in the last few weeks, in quantity and quality. My wife's been working from home for a couple of weeks, maybe that's got her to feeling less tired? Or she's worried about the virus? We've been knockin' boots at least 4-5 times a week, and these aren't quickies. We're talking full-blown fucking and sucking sessions. I will not complain, nor will I choose to investigate what's causing this.
  14. I was driving through El Reno, OK over the weekend and saw what appeared to be a brand new, very modern looking Haliburton building with a "for sale" sign out front. The place looked like it had never been used. Then I saw the gas stations offering .99/gal. Tough times around here for sure.
  15. I don't even have to read the article. He won't leave because he has a lifetime contract that rolls over every year with a raise. Why would he leave? What other school would give him that kind of deal?
  16. For me, the big difference is the Lariat is the lowest trim that gives you power folding mirrors. I have to have those because I have two separate garage bays and it won't fit in there with the mirrors out. Lariats all have leather, heated/cooling seats, etc. Mine even has the giant moonroof, which I don't often see at that trim. PO really had it tricked out.
  17. Eddie's problem was the sauce, Sean's was the Oxy. CSB/ My buddy was working at the post office in the sorting facility when the FBI and post office cops came in. They intercepted a package of pills that was heading to Sean, he was done after that. Not sure why he thought mail-order pills was a good idea but I guess addiction does that to a person.
  18. The weather was great today, so I took the wife out for a spin in my old Miata. We live right off of Route 66 in OK, so we always cruise west when the weather cooperates. Man, it really cleared out the mental cobwebs. I felt great after we made it back into town, didn't even take an hour to make a big change in my attitude. I need to do this more often.
  19. My problem (or perspective?) is that I'm a lot angrier. I still have to go to work every day and it allows me to think about shit. I'm angry at the people in my office that get to work from home. I'm angry at celebrities who talk all kinds of shit about "stay at home!" when then can't comprehend that some people actually have to go the fuck to work and can't isolate themselves in a multi-million dollar home. I'm angry at douchebags that talk about how they're "ON LOCKDOWN" or "OMG I"M QUARANTINED". Motherfucker, you still go to the store, gas up your car, hit the drivethru and take walks around the block. That's not quarantine, asshole. You just can't go to the mall. I know a few people that have already lost their jobs because of this and that's another shitty thing that bothers me. I try to look at the positives: I don't know anyone who's caught the virus, nor do I know anyone who's died from it. My family is healthy. My job is secure. I just hope that, if this shit continues, I can find an emotional balance.
  20. All you hear about is how car dealerships are seeing a 50% or more drop in sales. Yet they aren't offering anything special. F them. They can ride the ship all the way down. Exactly. The 0% is a good start but they need to start lowering prices before I'll get ready to do anything.
  21. My office has all but 10 of us working from home, I'm one of the "lucky" 10 that gets to hold down the fort. I've had to carry extra weight at work before, it's nothing new. But for whatever reason, I'm really fucking bothered this time. It seems like they're just taking it for granted. I know it's only been 1 week and there's no way to predict how they'll treat us when this is over, as in "will I be rewarded for standing up and getting shit done?", but I don't have much faith. And what really bothers me is the people in other departments that get to rotate, they can't work remotely so they switch off and that means for 2-3 days a week, they sit on their asses at home doing nothing but getting paid. Others work from home every day but they rely on people in the office to upload the work and that flow is very slow. So much of their time is spent sitting at home in chill mode. Meanwhile, I'm trying to get time-sensitive stuff processed and answer a shit-ton of phone calls. Every day, I get a little more upset about this. I should be able to let it go but it's difficult. I should just do what work I can do, control what I can control and let the rest hang. I just can't shake this anger, I feel an emotional dam trying to burst. Like I just want to yell and cry and punch stuff. Add in the horrible headache I have right now and it's just been a great day. I hope that by writing this out, it makes me feel better. We'll see. Rant over, thanks for having this thread so we can do this sort of thing.
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