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Everything posted by Sandman

  1. Yeah, I agree and I did call. They were gonna let me come in but then the big boss changed his mind at the last second. I have to work from home until we get test results back for my kid. And just to be clear, our "at risk" employees have been out of the office since March. The nearest person in the room is 20+ feet away. But I still didn't feel right not saying something. I'm gonna get crushed with work when I go back, it's gonna suck.
  2. Our local test place is M-W-F, and she's off work wednesday, so she can go then. I just feel obligated to tell my supervisor. I don't know what to do, it doesn't feel right to not say anything.
  3. This has now hit (somewhat) close to home. My daughter just called and said her coworker's dad tested positive. Her coworker is now on a 2 week break from coming to work. My daughter lives with me and I'm wondering what, if anything, I need to tell my boss. Is this a big enough degree of separation that I don't need to freak out my coworkers? We're currently doing a weekly rotation and I don't see any of the at-risk people (who are 100% at home) or any of the ones that are freaked out about the whole thing. What I'd like is to say nothing, keep on truckin' at work and nothing ever comes of it. But I feel obligated to tell my boss so she can be the one to decide how to handle it. I don't want to get people riled up but I don't want this to bite me in the ass. My wife is currently looking up testing sites and I hope we can get my kid tested tomorrow. If she's ok (which I think she is), I'll feel better about my situation. Do I give my boss a head-up or do I just shut my big yapper?
  4. Ha, so NOW all of the sudden, a woman can accurately judge measurments/units of time, etc.? You should know better.
  5. It's a Miata, so you'll have to just stand there, quietly. Maybe I'll leave the outside light on for you.
  6. I have an old project car I like to tinker on. It sits next to the house and I try to make an effort to drive it at least once a week so the battery doesn't die. I told the wife a while back that I need to take it out for a long drive and let it "stretch it's legs". She got it confused with "spread it's wings". I asked her tonight if she wanted to go out and she said (not for the first time) "Are we taking it out to spread it's legs?". Hopefully later, dear.
  7. If it means the entire ou team is blown away by a tornado during a game in the middle of March, I'm here for it.
  8. I've tried, she's not going for it.
  9. We recently got a hot tub and my dog keeps pissing on the side of it and it's making me angry. I go out with him when I can and try to keep him away but obviously, I'm not around for all of his outdoor trips. I always spray the tub off after I catch him doing it. My wife decided to add some water to the tub and in true wifely fashion, she just ditched the hose right there at the foot of the tub, instead of rolling it back up on the hose roller that she insisted on buying. Today the dog pissed on the tub and the hose that was laying next to the tub. She left right before it happened, so I texted her about it. No response yet. Still waiting for a female to explain why they just drop shit on the spot when they're done with it. My wife and 2 daughters do the same thing. I find random stuff all over because they can't put anything back from where it came.
  10. I'm working from home, so I text coworkers and also my friends because I'm bored.
  11. Do you think he wanted to be seen? I'd be trying to go incognito as well, don't need local rubes trying to talk about the triple-belly option while I'm trying to snag some crappie.
  12. Hey man, I've been meaning to talk to you about your car's extended warranty. In other news, my phone just went off like a firm alarm, I got 25+ texts in about 15 seconds.
  13. I've only received one text in the last 2 hours and it wasn't in response to anything I had sent. My shit's borked.
  14. I feel guilty. I've been on a good run for a while and when that happens, I forget about this thread. I hope everyone is hanging in there as best you can.
  15. It's a trade-off. My wife has gone with me on road trips to buy old car parts, went to gun shows and gun stores, etc. Going to the mall is the least I can do. I get laid a lot as well, so I think my current system is working.
  16. Yeah, I'm a sneakerhead. I buy shoes all the time.
  17. The wife and I went to the local outlet mall so she could get a new "work bag" to go along with her dozen others. I wound up getting a couple of pairs of shoes, she got her bag. As we drove home she said "See? this trip was profitable for both of us!". I explained that no, we didn't profit at all, we actually lost money. She was too happy about her bag to care what I said. Win/win, I guess.
  18. There's chatter here in OK that the "eyes" situation has triggered ou student groups to once again put pressure on the university to drop "boomer sooner". If y'all could fall on your swords on this one, you'd really have my thanks.
  19. Maybe this shit ain't happening after all. https://sports.yahoo.com/sources-significant-number-of-players-disappointed-about-not-having-a-vote-regarding-nb-as-return-143937552.html
  20. I said in another thread that I'd disarm the police. Let them have a low-power taser, maybe. I keep seeing people asking "What if they get into a shoot out???". How many times do cops get in a "Shoot-out" that they didn't start themselves? Or worse yet, they're the only actual shooters? I'd imagine it's pretty rare. Have an on-call SWAT team waiting at the station, like fireman do. Call them in when the shit hits the fan. 1. No more firearms. 2. No more military surplus vehicles/weapons. My rural county has a huge APC, for what? Such a joke. 3. No more military-style uniforms. When I worked at my county sheriff's office 20+ years ago, we had stupid brown slacks and a tan shirt. The changed over to all black BDU trousers and blouses, then to a polo shirt. Guy were creaming themselves because they got to look like Rambo instead of Barney Fife. It was pretty pathetic. Humble them with an old school uniform, that takes a lot of starch out of a certain type of guy. 4. I'd like to see a disciplinary panel to look into charges of excessive force, brutality, etc. Make it professionally diverse, put a LEO supervisor, a social worker, mental health worker, local attorney, whatever. Just not a bunch of cops judging one of their own. I think you need one so they can explain procedures or how the law would apply to a certain situation but one is enough.
  21. I've said for a while now that cops should be unarmed. Too many times they shoot first and (maybe) ask questions later. I just don't trust them to make good decisions with firearms. They need to learn how to defuse situations with critical thinking and by using their words, as we tell small children constantly. They won't be as quick to lord over anyone when they don't have their trusty 9mm sidekick.
  22. I think we were so hyped up to be getting laid in our 20s, we didn't care about all of the sensations. I know I didn't, I just wanted to bang away.
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