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Everything posted by Jiggy-Z

  1. They don't. But one death reported yesterday.
  2. What the hell is going on with Florida Covid reporting? Their daily deaths are on an almost vertical decline. I expect some wonkiness from the weekend reporting, but their curve just does not look right(Worldometer) Their daily case and death reporting was almost non existent over the weekend. Are they getting out of the woods, are they too overburdened to report correctly, or is there some whitewashing going on? Anybody hear anything on this?
  3. If we can't laugh at a deadly global pandemic, what can we laugh at.
  4. Read the list, and all that stuff was A-ok when I was a kid. Hard to believe we survived.
  5. Sounds like he might have caught it at 31 flavors, check again.
  6. I was gonna say, maybe alcohol enabling isn't the best idea right now. As I type this, I am drinking a Shiner. But seriously, it is one thing to have a few, and another to get really drunk and be worthless the next day. No judgment, I just think we all might feel better if we didn't let go just yet. If we are still here in a couple of weeks, then a reevaluation may be in order. Vince was down 12 with 4 minutes to go and he pulled it out. Hang on a little bit longer and you will be richly rewarded with Surly $ and rep points.
  7. Man on the street: Went by Central Market Westgate yesterday evening and there were no masking signs up at any of the doors I saw, not even the "mask recommended" type. Mask wearing was at about 50% in the store-non employee. They had a big band playing in the cafe for the olds, but it was pretty dead in there compared to a couple of weeks ago. Austin is bad right now and people are not getting the message.
  8. Who knows what goes on all tucked away down there.
  9. Obligatory: In Russia , bomb disarm you.
  10. Me too, class of '85, "The class with more class than the class with class"
  11. I was keeping an eye on this. I knew you guys could make it...and with time to spare. Good job.
  12. The marketing possibilities could be endless if there were a helmet face mask mask that went over the face mask instead of the mouth and nose. It could be the next big thing.
  13. Hawaii got caught with its pants down. They eased a bunch of restrictions and just put most but not all of them back in place on the 11th. Just can't let your guard down.
  14. Looks like lunch is going to be an Achilles heel. Not sure what the logic is here. Hey, lets gather all students together at the one time of day where they absolutely have to take down their masks to eat and drink. But lunch was always going to be a problem anyway.
  15. OK. The rest of the story from fallout yesterday afternoon. The wife wrote a strongly worded letter advocating for full mask use and made better arguments than I did. However, while she was working up the letter, one of the staff (vaccinated and no symptoms) tested positive for Covid, which caused the delayed start of school to Monday instead of today and a revision of the mask policy which is now everyone on campus. All exposed faculty and staff are being tested to see the extent of the spread, positive case is being quarantined and held out for prescribed amount of time, weekend test results will determine path going forward on Monday. So we were strangely fortunate to have a scare this early that hopefully will be dealt with so we can have in person class going forward. However, this is a small "progressive" school in central Austin with a staff that is 100% vaccinated and I daresay a student body that is close to that where eligible. I would be hard pressed to find a more ideal setting to deal with Covid effectively unless it were some kind of isolated community of Mennonites or something, and we still have issues. As others have said, regardless of mask and vaccination policy, any school of any size is going to be dealing with an absolute shit show for at least the next month. Good luck out there.
  16. To deprive someone else from getting it. What is with this board today and the stupid questions?
  17. If only there were a vaccine.
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