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Everything posted by Tylerocks

  1. How hard is it to sit there for 3 hours on your flight and not be a complete fucking asshole? I mean, wtf is happening? I've only flown one round trip since all this started and it was uneventful, thank god. I would have a very hard time not beating the shit out of that guy had I been seated where the camera guy was. Like, a really hard time. signed, Johnny Toughguy
  2. Is there a practice schedule out? I assume it starts this week? So fucking excited..
  3. yes. ha. It's been quite the journey over the first few episodes.
  4. Our student seats in those days were North end, East Side....so we couldn't tell...had to wait for the south end reaction! What a fuggin kick.
  5. I'd have to say early 80's with my folks (both Texas exes). I have a pic of me and my mom, I'm guessing sometime in 81 or so, given how old I looked. I also have a pic of me down on the field with the scoreboard in the background after the Auburn game in 1984 As a student, Fall 93 vs Syracuse. I don't remember anything from the game, which either meant 1. I was wasted...or 2 I went home to sleep (I was a pledge). Either are fairly plausible.
  6. Light Fuse, Get Away was all live performances from various shows from 1997 Not really a fan of U2, but this is pretty awesome...given it was 1983
  7. Enjoying White Lotus. I guess the intent is to always keep you guessing at who dies. The characters and their flaws are all coming out. Honestly, I would watch regardless, just be cause you have 2 of the best sets of tits in Hollywood.
  8. Tylerocks

    Getting old sucks

    46 here. Went an hit tennis balls against the backstop near our house. Hit/ran around for about an hour. The next morning, I thought my foot was going to fall off. It felt like I had broken a bone in my foot. Pain started on the outside/mid foot and ran around the top. I was limping around for the next week. Ice, Aleve, ankle wrap. Thought it was a stress fracture of some sort, but it ended up going away in about a week. Still a little sore now in the mornings when I get up....gotta get the old bones moving in the morning. Sidenote- I've lost 2 friends in the last month to heart issues, both 46. Go get your tickers checked.
  9. 1999 Cotton Bowl vs MSU. Ricky did Ricky things. 30 car, 208 yds 2 TD's. Wane McGarity had 130 receiving and 2 TD's 2003 Cotton Bowl- Roy Williams killed LSU 4 catches for 142 1 TD and a carry for a 39 yd TD 2012- Destroying Ole Miss in Oxford. That was a fun road trip. Ash to Davis and Goodwin all day 1995- Last SWC game vs aggy. Westbrook kills Leeland McElroy. 1990- Mark Berry stopping Darren Lewis
  10. cream gravy, brisket eggs, biscuit.....what's not to love? Looks good af to me.
  11. Man reading SEC rant, is good for the soul. Apparently we will be lucky to squeak out close games with Kentucky and Vanderbilt. Delusion is strong over there.
  12. Interesting thread to read as a native Houstonian. I grew up on the West side (Briar Forest/Dairy Ashford)area in the 80's and it was a great place to grow up. It seems like it's kept it's place as fairly solid middle class...at least based on zillow. Houses in my old hood range from $260-$480K I live in Montrose with my wife now and we love it. No kids, so no need to worry about schools. If we had kids though, I would be ok with them going to LanierMS and on to Lamar. We are both itching to leave for reasons not related to crime or anything. We routinely walk around Montrose at night and have never felt unsafe. We have car break ins and crackheads/homeless running around...we chalk it up to living in the heart of a city of 6M people. Also I wonder what part the news/social media/Nextdoor etc play in the "crime explosion"? Reading our neighborhood Next-door page, you'd think we live in the "Nickel". Bunch of old biddies clutching their pearls...
  13. This. Are there people out there that will pay $185 for a Guayabera?
  14. Tylerocks

    Ames, IA

    Go to Greenwood Rising in Tulsa. You'll need advance tickets...it opens in 2 weeks. Im embarrassed that as a college educated person, it took a superhero show (The Watchmen) to educate me on the Tulsa Race Massacre.
  15. Is it wrong that I hope Ewers fails miserably at tOSU, solely because of his stupid fucking hair?
  16. That's the plan. Actually anywhere on the road from Houston to Commerce worth stopping for?
  17. Anything worthwhile in/near/around Commerce, TX? Just go into Dallas?
  18. Shipley was on better teams for sure. Roy had some of his best games in "big" games.. Bowl game vs LSU, Bowl game vs Wash, Colorado, A&M, Arkansas.. Can't go wrong with either one.
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