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Everything posted by Tylerocks

  1. De'Andre "DD" Lewis before he changed to 10
  2. Was reading about this last night. How does that not get vetted/caught by either the broker that pitched the game or ESPN itself. It's actually unbelievable that this slipped through the cracks,
  3. The ghosts of Charlie Strong and Tom Herman are haunting the halls of the Surl.... Louisiana Lafayette.....still scares some of y'all to death.
  4. Dancing the Cotton Eyed Joe and getting to yell "Bullshit!" was a highlight of heading over to the Texas Tumbleweed for dinner. The only time we could cuss, lol
  5. As someone with family from outside Philly, I had to run the "Yeungling craze" by my cousins. Reactions ranged from it's not good to the "Light" is a solid light beer While in college in the 90s, I remember asking my uncle about Rolling Rock and how folks in Austin were treating as a sort of craft-ish beer. He lol'd I mean it's no Gennesse Cream Ale.
  6. All this bar talk of the early aught's is sending me down memory lane. Judging by the places that have been mentioned we were all probably at these places at the same time and crossed paths at some point. Lizzard's was always at the top of the list while home from Austin. Went to the Marquis a few years ago for old time's sake....couldn't even finish one Tea between my wife and I. It was fucking gross....and couldn't believe we would drink those on the reg. Anyone remember Savages, that was across the street from Marquis? The Village always had something...Baker St., Seńor Ritas, Two Rows, Kelvin Arms, Brian O'Neils, Ginger Man...Bronx Bar was a little later, but that was a staple. One of the hottest bartenders I've ever seen worked there.
  7. "I told you, I live off the land." And Sonics....
  8. Since this is now a beer thread.. Great Heights, in Oak Forest, is owned by a couple of horns....Think 1 of them posted here or on Shag. Need to try to make it over there one day. https://ghbrewing.com/
  9. Arrests made in the Grotto shooting. https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2021/08/27/new-orleans-officer-gunned-down-in-houston-to-be-remembered-in-nola/
  10. Try this one.. https://www.newsweek.com/texas-high-school-lineman-picks-defender-body-slams-him-scrimmage-game-1622723
  11. What about this kid...in a fucking scrimmage between Caldwell and Lexington. WTF https://www.on3.com/news/watch-body-slam-https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/HwHy5BpTB17c2BaIijbQoO9aQTI=/1400x0/filters:no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/2436336/john_harris.0.jpgsteals-headlines-texas-high-school-scrimmage-lexington-caldwell/
  12. Caught the tail end of the game last night and couldn't help but think to myself...."man, that's a lot of white kids."
  13. Unreal. Imagine coming to Houston for a getaway, from NOLA of all places, and getting shot and killed while just eating dinner. Fuck. Coincidentally, my wife and I were driving through that area at the time and were actually in an argument because she decided to flip someone the bird. SMH
  14. I'm a fucking softy when it comes to sad songs...so it doesn't take much for me. I could post an infinite # of songs/videos. But here are a few: Counting Crows, REK and JJW were all college times/ end of relationship songs...
  15. I know this thread has turned to real estate...but this shit is unacceptable. https://www.khou.com/article/news/crime/westheimer-shooting-houston-police/285-b8b1e49e-d4d7-4303-a403-053020f34048 This guy lived down the street from some friends. We have friends that live in Briar Meadow and we are over there almost every weekend and have seen the turds up and down Westheimer on their ATVs and dirt bikes...doing wheelies and shit. Blocking intersections to do donuts, etc. How the cops don't do anything about it is insane to me.
  16. Can an undrafted free agent "flame out" at all, much less can they do so spectacularly?
  17. Is my sarcasm meter broken? This isn't true at all. by any measure.
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