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Everything posted by Hanrahan

  1. 1776 posts in this thread. That’s got to be a sign from the Gods.
  2. You can’t take water through Professor.
  3. How many pics of dead border crossing children were import enough to publish during the Obama administration? Because border crossing was illegal then and kids died trying to illegally cross. Or is this just a Trump thing because we don’t like Trump and are willing to twist logic to make him look bad?
  4. Haha. This is great. As I leave to coach the 2nd grade team I formed from the neighborhood in their first tournament. Lots to look forward to.
  5. All these years and some morons still don’t know the difference between a clip and a magazine?
  6. There was a dildo on his bike yesterday that had a loudspeaker so he could listen to music. I was confused why "Smack my bitch up" was playing aloud and getting louder, then the dildo rolls up.
  7. Yeah, uh, the plane hit turbulence, dropped and everything went up, including the flight attendant and all the drinks.
  8. A horse is a horse, of course, of course, but the Vehicle Code does not divorce its application from, perforce, a steed, as my colleagues said. "It's not vague" I'll say until I'm hoarse, and whether a car, a truck or horse this law applies with equal force, and I'd reverse instead. Because I cannot agree this statute is vague or ambiguous, I respectfully dissent. — Noel v. Travis, 857 A.2d 1283, 1289 (Pa. 2004)
  9. Why would one bad call that did not effect the outcome of a blowout ruin the entire tournament for you? That’s odd.
  10. What team was the 9 year old on? I coached the midget Orioles. Also put together a USSSA 8u tourney team that is playing its first tournament next weekend.
  11. Ah, you paid for her. Should still do anal though.
  12. I’ve been drug to musicals since I was a kid and never like one of them. Saw Hamilton in London last week. Didn’t like it either.
  13. Buzbee is a douchenozzle. I hope he spends all his tank and hooker money on his campaign before failing on Election Day. Vidor would be a better election battleground for him.
  14. I’m at look kids Big Ben, Parliament.
  15. No, I had stage 3 colon cancer.
  16. Lol wut. I was a 90s kid and we pants people all the time, had B.B. gun wars in public and I don’t recall seeing or hearing about any issues with otc drugs at school.
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