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Everything posted by Hanrahan

  1. Are you like one of those savant guys?
  2. Check out Exuma in the Bahamas. It’s relatively easy to get their, not crowded at all and absolutely gorgeous.
  3. Hanrahan

    David Beaty

    And there's no houses to rent in Tuscany.
  4. I would have sexual relations with this chick, head full of dummy or not.
  5. Thanks for your uniformed bullshit then. It’s a help.
  6. Funny thing is Justin's dad is a pretty funny and level-headed old dude on Facebook.
  7. Was the the dude qualified to wield a pimp cane during the beat down of UCLA? Or was that another back?
  8. So why is there a police investigation? How is advertising political ideas, even though abhorrent to most people, against the law?
  9. This swandered fellow is one of those “one in a million” guys who has lied to a triage nurse about how a foreign object ended up irretrievably lodged in his ass.
  10. You are a stupid individual. Not sure if troll or just that dumb.
  11. Holy shit I’m old and hungover. Where’s the best shrimp po boy in Baton Rouge?
  12. Well this game is about as boring as we all thought it would be. Fuck ND.
  13. There’s no blitzing in bowl games.
  14. Hanrahan


    For me it only lasted an hour or so then night night.
  15. You’re a fucking humanitarian.
  16. There are massive numbers of bikers and walkers to my kids' school. My kids walk.
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