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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Huckleberry

  1. I'd rather the Astros sign Tom Berenger.
  2. All of the Ranger and Astro fans who bring that up look equally stupid on this thread so congrats. There's a whole forum and thread for that. You can talk about that and they can talk about your pictured hero continuing the legacy of super-doped up Rangers from the '90s. This thread is about Harbaugh, Michigan, and college football cheating.
  3. This is actually the first logical argument on the Michigan side. I mean we know it's BS that Harbaugh didn't know but it's at least a plausible explanation.
  4. It was kinder than your mention of Pete Rose deserved. Rose didn't do much less, he violated a major rule that was posted in every clubhouse on a sign that explicitly stated if you do it then you are banned. It would be like if there was a sign posted in every NCAA locker room that said if a member of your staff attends future opponents' games or arranges for others to do so in order to decode sideline signals then you are banned from the NCAA. Only then would what Michigan did be as obviously bad and punishable as what Rose did. Now STFU about that idiot and let's get back to the Harbaugh idiot.
  5. Has anyone figured out why I'm supposed to give a shit that Day provided info on Harbaugh's cheating? I mean I don't like Day but providing info on your rival cheating is basically your duty. I screamed for decades that Texas needed to stop crying about everyone's recruiting shenanigans unless they were going to do something about it. Well, Day did something about his rival's cheating.
  6. I mean with I believe the fewest natural disasters statistically is Ohio becoming a potential Texas expat destination? Nah, I'm getting carried away.
  7. Weird flex to point out that you yourself disprove your previous idiotic take.
  8. I mean this seems like a pretty simple answer anyway, right? There's no way that Democrats can come up with some other abortion law variation to put on the ballot? Or access to birthing services or women's health in some other facet?
  9. It's this. As soon as voting becomes cool for 18-25 year olds or, more importantly for peer pressure, not voting makes you a loser asshole, the world changes. The question is if that ever happens and if it sticks if it ever does.
  10. @closetojumping's cousin has an absurdly large head. That's all I got.
  11. Scatterplot of a terrible thrower's results relative to target. Flashes of brilliance in the green circle.
  12. Completed passes aren't "flashes of brilliance." A good portion of our fanbase has gone completely insane.
  13. So James Madison is rapidly becoming a big time Division 1 athletic program, apparently.
  14. Sure but it makes Williams a hypocrite. A crying hypocrite. Not a great look. And to be clear, the "oops" in my post was directed at him, not you.
  15. Well of course you are considering you don't care about the QB hitting defenders in their hands as long as the DB drops it. Your analysis is a bit questionable.
  16. Yeah, guys behind A&M's OL are more prone to getting injured.
  17. Damn. About time we started pointing all this shit out. But be louder about it.
  18. The difference is that Oklahoma media loves the Sooners. Texas media loves poking the Longhorns. I mean for fuck's sake our hometown beat writer didn't vote for VY. Sure he apologized later but that right there just showed, forever, that he's either stupid, biased against Texas, or both. Anyway, nobody in Texas would ever ask McGuire why they're letting the game with Texas end.
  19. He needs to say that more often and more loudly. Have the football team tweet that while tagging the Big 12.
  20. So Liucci is admitting that losing is the A&M way but will be back talking about how they've always been great in time for the next roller coaster ride.
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