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South Austin

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by South Austin

  1. Well, we do know that if there’s going to be a Republican Civil War, Donald Trump will give one hell of a Gettysburg Address.
  2. I guess Tapp doesn't work well with an "all gas, no brakes" program. I'll show myself out.
  3. So if they made Schindler's List today, it would be set in the early 70s?
  4. 47,000 Sooner fans ain't showing up to see Brent Venables standing on the sidelines.
  5. Why wouldn't Linklater still have it set in 1976?
  6. One the one hand, this inability to govern and push through some critical foreign aid to Ukraine is fucking frustrating. On the other hand, the MAGA cannibalism is quite entertaining.
  7. I agree. It does seem baffling. Maybe that Rudy was always lurking under the surface, or maybe he had been doing batshit crazy things for decades that never made the press. But Rudy v. The Mafia and Rudy v. Wall Street in the 1980s, and 9/11 Rudy, were commendable, even though not immune from criticism. This guy? This guy is a fucking joke of a human being.
  8. You fucks better not water your lawns or wash your cars tomorrow.
  9. Thanks. I haven't seen that movie in probably two decades, so the director's cut might not seem all that different.
  10. USC should just give the speech to Vince Young.
  11. I’m laughing like a schoolkid.
  12. I’m impressed that George Soros has the ability to manipulate the stock market like this.
  13. Sure, but so many of them will still vote Republican/MAGA. Case in point: Look at the article in the Trump thread about all of the idiots using a significant amount of their savings to buy DJT stock, even as they see it plummeting with no sign of a positive ROI. They're so mentally entrenched that they continue to support Trump even with tangible evidence of how it directly hurts them. I can see rural Texans still voting R even while watching their schools fall apart around them.
  14. Call me a pessimist, but I’ll be long dead before Texas flips blue.
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