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Everything posted by Paper_jam

  1. My dad and I went to a closed-circuit broadcast of the "Super Fight" in '87. It was close but I also felt like Hagler kinda got jobbed in the decision.
  2. Rant incoming: What is it about a mask requirement that is such a hot-button issue for Republicans, compared to every other thing we have in our lives that regulates our conduct to protect public safety? Why do I have to get a driver's license to drive a car? Why do I have to maintain auto insurance, or have my car inspected annually? Why am I forced to comply with onerous and arbitrary speed limits and traffic signals while driving? Why am I only allowed to water my yard certain days of the week? Why does my house need to meet all kinds of codes for construction and utilities? Why can't I freely discharge a firearm, or fireworks, within city limits? Why do I need a permit to discharge pollution to the air or a body of water? Why can't I burn trash in my yard? Why does a person need a license to practice medicine, law, or engineering? Why do I need a doctor's prescription to buy an otherwise- legal drug from a pharmacy? Shit, why can't I buy liquor on Sunday, or choose to gamble in a casino in Texas? All these things limit our freedoms, as much or more than a mask requirement. What is so uniquely terrible about masks? Regardless of how this pandemic turns out, when I go out in public, I'm going to wear a $%^&* mask every day for the rest of my life just because it seems to trigger these snowflakes.
  3. After the '83 freeze, didn't TPWD tighten the size/bag limits on speckled trout and redfish? Is there any indication of how this winter storm compared to that one, in terms of impact on the bays?
  4. Got Moderna'd (first dose) about 4 hours ago at HEB Elgin. (Conveniently next to Spec's.) No distinct symptoms yet. How sensitive is the vaccine to correct injection technique? I barely felt the injection and it happened pretty fast. I hope I got the full squirt.
  5. Any thoughts on this study about possibly reduced effectiveness vs. the South African variant B.1.351? https://www.businessinsider.com/south-africa-variant-vaccines-pfizer-moderna-covid-vaccine-study-mutation-2021-3
  6. For those who've used an HEB location, are they typically done inside the store, or do they set up outdoor stations where you wait in a car (or in a line)?
  7. Also don't forget to wear a powdered wig, and bring a small, gold-fringed flag which you can set on the table or banister in front of you. And if it's a drug case (or even if it's not) make sure to talk a lot about jury nullification.
  8. The overhead shots make the wheelbase (and overall length) of F1 cars look crazy long.
  9. Finally hit the jackpot with an appointment at HEB in Elgin for Monday. Maybe get some BBQ while I'm there. As far as I know, it's OK to eat before/after the injection.
  10. Same here, I'm wearing out my F5 key. Once or twice I've gotten to the second level you describe, only to get the "no more slots available" thing. Starting to wonder if you need a fiber connection or absurdly low ping to get anything. Edit: also someone please ship some of the Midland/Odessa vaccine which apparently is in plentiful supply, to somewhere near central Texas, please.
  11. So I'll be expecting a $600 bill loaded with late fees and interest because I drove on the toll road once in that time period for like 5 miles.
  12. I also have some big Indian Hawthornes that look like complete shit. I never even thought about protecting them because I've never had them freeze before. Actually everything else in my yard (st. augustine, my oaks) looks like shit too.
  13. Thomas' Super Buffet had the strangest mix of food. I ate there several times. I think it was still better than the Ryan's buffet on Parmer Ln, which always made me feel sick afterwards.
  14. Wild guess, but I assumed that their inventory dried up because they didn't have the money to pay vendors for new product. And/or still owed vendors for previous shipments of product. It's been in obvious decline for at least a decade but I'm still sad to see it go. Used to be a pretty good place for PC games, DVDs, CDs, and some midgrade A/V stuff. And I don't know where I'll go if I need something like a PC power supply, case fan, a mouse, or a monitor RIGHT NOW and can't wait on shipping. And I liked the idea that they tried to run a cafe right in the store. Reminded me of K-Mart in the old days.
  15. One of mine dripped (not intentionally--slow leak) and was wrapped and covered anyway. Made a strange looking ice stalagmite underneath it. There was also ice inside the foam cover. Pretty sure it froze, but nothing broke. My other faucet was just wrapped with several layers of stuff, and it also did not break, thank ganesh.
  16. Woah there buddy, that bolded part sounds a lot like socialism and we don't take kindly to that in these here parts. Can't have the government interferin' with the holy Invisible Hand, the Hand knows what is best. The purpose of government is to concentrate wealth, power, and privilege at the top, and put all the responsibility, risk, and consequences on those at the bottom.
  17. Why was there a massive rush to buy food? Water I get, as we don't know when it's coming back. Stuff like batteries and cold-weather gear, that makes sense too. And some people undoubtedly lost a lot of refrigerated stuff to spoilage. And, finally, it's been a few days since some people were able to get to the store. But even so, why did people buy EVERYTHING instead of their normal weekly-or-so resupply?
  18. Is there any Austin radio station with live news & information on this emergency? It seems like there ought to be as radio is the most reliable way to get info out to everyone when power is out. Tried 590 Klbj but worthless.
  19. I see a number of posts in the other thread (Texas deep freeze carnage) that they've lost water to certain rooms in their house (sometimes hot, sometimes cold). Don't forget about dripping the hot water too. Shit is starting to get real.
  20. It's been decades since I lived in a place with one, so maybe newer ones are better--but back in the '80s and '90s, once temps got down into the mid or lower 20s, a heat pump was about as useful as tits on a bull.
  21. The temperature in my unheated but attached garage is right about 39 degrees now, I've never seen it this low. I have a hose spigot on the outside wall of the garage and the warmth of the garage interior is the only thing keeping it from freezing (it's wrapped and covered, but still). If the garage gets much colder I'm thinking of propping the house-->garage door open and blowing some warm house air in there. It would be an energy efficiency holocaust, though, to try to treat the garage as conditioned/heated space...
  22. Sleet is starting to accumulate (NE Austin). I had a grocery delivery from Walmart that was scheduled for 2:00 and it's still not here. At this point I don't think it's possible.
  23. Oh, he's smart like a fox! It's like opening your windows before a tornado--the pipes can't freeze if the temperature is equal on both sides! Or maybe, "pre-freezing" your pipes now before the coldest snap hits is like creating a firebreak that stops further freezing!
  24. My house (Centex Homes early 2000s build) could have been much better and more usable with a very small increase in total cost, but tract builders are just the worst. Even if we live in the South some things should just be required by code. For one thing, I hate that my water cutoff valve is fucking buried in the yard and there's no way to cut off water from inside the house.
  25. Big difference in those models--for Austin, 2 inches vs. 6. There's a penis joke in there somewhere.
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