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Everything posted by Steamboat1874

  1. Every team that passes on BJ will regret it later.
  2. Looks amazing but is there cheese on that ? Either way it looks great.
  3. Still better than that boring ass F1 crap.
  4. Thanks for sharing man. That mustard is great by the way.
  5. Me too and baseball is a great sport for the radio and Craig and Keith are outstanding.
  6. Noir Alley is a TCM show hosted by Eddie Muller. It is on Saturday nights at 11PM Central and replayed the following Sunday at 9AM. You can read the details at this site. https://noiralley.tcm.com/ I highly recommend it.
  7. You need to remember this Texas team has not lost back to back games all year too.
  8. I would agree with you more if we were playing in Norman but I do not think they will beat us here.
  9. Watched this on Noir Alley this past Saturday and I had never seen it. Solid Noir film.
  10. The hottest scene she ever did was in 100 Rifles. She was taking a shower under the water tower to distract the soldiers on the train that stopped. She was only wearing a white men's shirt at the time.
  11. Man we should wear those unis as throwbacks someday.
  12. Pretty sure you will not see all of our home baseball games and even some our home basketball games against lesser opponents once LHN is gone. Too bad.
  13. Went there a lot in late 70's and early 80's. I was friends with some the guys in Lynx, who were great by the way. Was sitting at the soundboard with the headphones on and in walks Steven Stills and he sat in with the band for several songs. It was awesome.
  14. Really...? You have no idea my taste in music but you listed Hank Jr. ?????? Get a clue.
  15. You should quit while you are behind because you have no idea what you are talking about.
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