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Nice Guy Eddie

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Nice Guy Eddie

  1. There is also nothing to prevent a county/ sheriff in deputizing citizens to take on this specific immigration task. And while that may seem far-fetched, I wouldn't have guessed that counties are now making it illegal to use their roads to drive to an out-of-state abortion. As for cops driving suspected undocumented people to the border, I have to guess the next step is for Border Security to stop Texas law enforcement in driving ANYONE over the border, or at least question everyone in the vehicle if they want to drive over the border. Finally, I would think this will fall under kidnapping or human trafficking for law enforcement in moving people without their permission or without due process. And while Texas state law might protect them, the border isn't Texas' jurisdiction.
  2. Watch influencer/reseller was screwing everyone. Shocked.
  3. Article about 25 Houston postal workers being attacked while on the job this year. If like me you're thinking that they're getting attacked because of crazy people, or someone wants to steal any mail they're carrying, that's not the deal. https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/crime/article/postal-workers-decry-rash-violence-houston-18446031.php Never mail anything in a USPS blue collection box especially if the collection isn't until tomorrow or the next day. Even if it's a harmless non-financial letter, it could very easily end up in the trash by someone looking for money.
  4. I'm sure plenty of Texas deputies will empathize with Hispanic people that they pull over. They will use nuanced clues to carefully identify who may or may not be an undocumented person before asking citizenship questions. Or.
  5. Good points. I struggle with laws like this because I, even as a non-parent, feel the point of the public school system is to best educate our kids. However I'm reminded in the public education thread, that some in power are actively trying to take down our public school system. It's no surprise they want to defund the schools. It plays into their narrative that public school education is a failure once they take much of the money away. And don't get me wrong, I know schools waste money. But defunding them will unlikely change that waste.
  6. I’ve long predicted that the state of Texas will eventually have 1 state-wide teacher for every subject. They either film or live broadcast 1 teacher per subject into every classroom for that subject. You back it up with an even lower paid teacher aide who is either assisting the students in the classroom, or effectively baby sitting them. it also allows complete control of the message to each student. school districts would love it because Abbott and GQP will pick up the cost of the teacher.
  7. Smart of them. It will pass with 94-95%, and this way they get their tax bills out on time.
  8. I know #4 will pass but I don’t understand the math. If we lower the local school district taxes wont that eventually impact education? I know the state is giving a one-time payout to the schools but that won’t be repeated. If the state wants to reduce the tax burden on its citizens, why not drop the sales tax percentage? You know, the tax money that goes to the state. And is paid by everyone not just home owners.
  9. It’s like Cheech’s Born in East LA music video come to life.
  10. ridiculous that UT has not kept up in growing the campus. Now with online classroom options, the enrollment should be growing at a fast pace. Instead UT wants to put a gate around the university so the professors can pat themselves on the back for educating the few. UT has forgotten their charter.
  11. Are the Astros on the hook for JV's entire 2024 and potential 2025 salary? Or will the Mets owe some of that?
  12. The natural gas generator owners are saying that they actually don't want to build any new power generators due to the uncertainty of future electrical prices not the upfront capital costs. My guess is that the next move from the Legislature is to somehow ensure tax dollars will prop up any operational profits.
  13. NC went 7-7 GOP/Dem for their 14 House seats in 2022. Can't have that. The new map was drawn so the expected outcome is 10-3 with 1 competitive district. Not to mention that NC was 50%-48.6% for Trump over Biden. This state is purple but the GOP isn't going to let that happen again.
  14. SJL has been my congresswoman for 18 years now. She ignores my neighborhood and the surrounding ones, as far as I can tell. She also has always been high on the list of congress members who abuse their staff. I usually vote Democrat but I've long voted against her in every race. That will continue. And since Whitmire is her main competition, I will be voting for him.
  15. While too long, but I found this to be an interesting discussion about retirement planning and traditional vs. Roth options. I've found it easy to fall into a trap that this way or that way is the best method to save. As your balances grow and time to retire become shorter, it's worth thinking about where you're going. I also need to think more about what is said in this video. You can find some really bad advice in youtube videos as well as hidden gems.
  16. I'm looking forward to the future TV series that will detail out the Trump rise and hopefully fall in national politics. The right people behind this in Hollywood, and it could be the most popular show for a decade or two.
  17. Trump bragging to a close source that he took down Emmer. Politico link How much you want to bet that Trump wanted that info to be released? A source doesn't drop a direct quote like that unless the the person behind it, wants it released. Hell, the source could easily be Trump himself. Trump is the political equivalent of a mafia criminal. He destroys people who do not pay him, either through actual money or absolute fealty. And now he's at the point that even allowing someone in the GOP to win, means that they should bend the knee to Trump because he didn't oppose them. I have no doubt that we have political bigwigs that have controlled offices and roles in the past but they don't brag about it for the national news.
  18. Are they going to keep picking a “moderate” and then a hard liner. Then repeat over and over? Yes. Jeffries, or a proxy, should approach 5 to see what they want to become democrats. Give them committee chairs or perhaps a few bills that Schumer and Biden will agree to deliver. Within reason of course.
  19. The GOP is a joke. Among themselves, their only important opinion is whether or not the support the 2020 election lie.
  20. The RNC isn't happy with Trump but there is really nothing they do can about him. https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/23/politics/trump-rnc-relationship/index.html
  21. The lawyers will argue that their community service is best served by providing free legal advice to others. Preferably answering questions submitted in writing so they can hand the work off to someone else.
  22. If Trump wins next year he will ensure that any of the few 2017-21 guardrails will be gone. Cabinet officials won't be vetted or approved by the Senate. They will all be Acting cabinet officials. I fear how the DOJ would act with one of his crazy attorneys as AG.
  23. If this was on a betting site, I see that Rudy would be that top of the list to spend time in prison. After all, he testified for 7 hours to a GA state senate hearing and all of these guilty pleas are indicating that they knew they were lying. I would love to see Clark and Eastman spend time behind bars as well. Clark was a DOJ lawyer who was simultaneously trying to overthrow the govt. In the first half of the US, he would be facing a rope. I still don't think Trump will see jail time for GA. The case that will put him in jail is the classified documents where he willfully kept them and lied to the govt. The clock is ticking on that the case needs to take place before the election. And most likely we need time for a second trial after Trump creates a mistrial with his tweets and speeches.
  24. He’s claiming that he alerted HK customs that he had the gun. He discovered it in his briefcase during the flight. Good question for Seattles airport how was he able to get the gun thru their security. if I found myself in a foreign airport with that gun, I’m tossing it in the closest bathroom trash can when I land. And probably flying back home immediately. I wouldn’t want to mess with other countries’ gun laws. Of course I don’t walk around with guns in a briefcase or a bag because I’m not afraid of the world.
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