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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by MissingInAction

  1. So how do I get a sweet TAMUQ job? Also I'm pronouncing it Tamooky.
  2. Vera Cruz starring Gary Cooper, Burt Lancaster, and Caesar Romero. Classic western set in Mexico during the revolution of 1866. Lancaster is great as a total scumbag, and Gary Cooper is well Gary Cooper.
  3. At 50 with sleep apnea I'm not worried about getting drafted, but I'm damn sure ready to get moving if shit goes down here in the states. If you don't have a go bag yet, I highly recommend getting one together.
  4. I was visiting friends in the Grapevine Southlake area. It is disturbingly white with Maga shops in their commercial districts. Also the commercials there are straight up wingnut propaganda from evangelical bullshit to lies about climate change. Fucking wierd
  5. You forgot dumbass dipshit idiots. We're lucky they're so fucking stupid.
  6. We don't shart shame. We've all been there.
  7. He was a solid fantasy pick. Thats all I've got.
  8. Didn't have that on my 2024 bingo card.
  9. I hope so. They have a hard time dealing with thier feelings. Perhaps this forum could help them as well.
  10. This is exactly the healing some may be looking for.
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