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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by MissingInAction

  1. Asshole. This means I'll probably be cuffed at my next hearing.
  2. I will never understand why anyone would defend a giant corporation. The elmo fanbois, and now Boeing fanbois.
  3. Loose branches are nailing my building, but no damage yet. I hope HEB delivers my groceries tomorrow.
  4. God damn it. I always bitch about people using "literal" incorrectly. They got to me.
  5. Thanks. These dumb fucks are a literal version of the keystone cops.
  6. Yes. My grandmother, great grandmother, and great grand father escaped Germany in the 30s when they saw the writing on the wall. I'm told I spoke German before English. No memory of that. People fleeing bullshit is not new.
  7. Don't question my college football coaching prowess. I'll school anyone on NCAA 2005
  8. Yes , running the ball is good for keeping the ball out of the other teams hands. Also water is wet, and stoops gobbles bags of dicks.
  9. There's a mass grave at the Austin State supported living center from the early 1900s. Over 300 bodies that is "known". They put up a memorial plaque with some names on it and chained off the area. People with intellectual disabilities were not treated well then.
  10. Holy shit. Someone tell Tor rep fraud is afoot on Surly. That may be the most pathetic thing I've read on this sight and even my personal life. Jfc get help slorch.
  11. So is she not Maga enough or too Maga?
  12. Started taking acid reflux medicine which seems to turn stomach acid into farts. A LOT of farts. This has introduced a brand new challenge to my butthole discipline. I think with focuseness that I can turn this into a victory for 2024.
  13. So how do I get a sweet TAMUQ job? Also I'm pronouncing it Tamooky.
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