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Everything posted by Kennythetiger

  1. You got a picture, didn’t you? Didn’t you? Could you ask her where in Target she left it?
  2. I wanted to make sure that you knew that my response to your post was made completely in jest. I have told my wife (and only half kidding) that if I outlive her, I am going to discreetly trickle her ashes down the aisles of our local Wal-Mart. I swear neither her nor my mother-in-law have ever met a Wal-Mart that they didn’t like.
  3. The older I get, the more I think that every single job is made up of two jobs- the actual physical work itself, and communicating with people.
  4. Seeing them in Lincoln in a couple of weeks. You got a place to eat prior to the show? I realize you’re on the opposite end of Iowa, but I didn’t know if your shenanigans ever took you to eastern Nebraska.
  5. I think a lot of it has to do with us getting older and aging-out of pop culture. I joined Shaggy 20 years ago when I was in law school. At that time, the board seemed centered around college football, sex, and food. Now the Politics board gets as much or more traffic than the football board, many Daily Texan threads are infused with politics, and noticeably lately is a tremendous amount of “anything other than the music I like sucks”, which is what our parents told us, and their parents told them. tldr- Surly is getting old.
  6. This is the Trust Tree. I wasn’t judging, just wondering if there wasn’t a sports bar nearby at which the girls could drop you off. An hour in wal-mart sounds miserable. Undefeated…. 😊
  7. G-14. I’d hit that judgy cat right between the eyes.
  8. Why would you willingly spend over an hour in wal-mart?
  9. I’ve been to Langtry, TX. That’s all I’ve got.
  10. You’re just mad that someone beat you to a Seinfeld reference.
  11. Mario seems like a drama queen.
  12. I mentioned this to Al in another thread, but my grandmother was Dust Bowl/ WWII generation. She froze everything. Two things that come to mind are huge bricks of pre-cut cheese, and loaves of bread. Lunch at her house every day was a ham and cheese sandwich with a leaf of lettuce, and butter as the condiment. The bread always had a razor-thin layer of ice in the middle of each slice.
  13. If I had that duck painting I would immediately take it outside and blast the shit out of that dog with a real shotgun.
  14. I thought I was the only one. I catch hell from my friends and family, but I don’t do drive-throughs in my own vehicles.
  15. How about a poster of this still? I have periodically looked for several years, and can’t come up with anything.
  16. In my rural area more than one farmer has been fucked-up in the face by losing control of a handyman jack handle.
  17. We both work multiple jobs, and traveling once a month or so is our hobby. It used to frustrate and insult me that when we finally got away from the responsibilities of our home lives, she would spend on the phone with her mom an hour or two of our alone time together. I complained about this, and she respected my request to spend time together. What I very quickly learned is that every day her brain has 15,000 words that are going to be vocalized to someone, and she doesn’t care to whom. Now, when she starts in on whose cousin she saw at the grocery store, I very gently interrupt her and ask, “When is the last time you talked to your mom? You should call her while we’re on this boring road.” Then I queue Mr. Seger’s “Roll Me Away”.
  18. I think it’s more of a nod to the event itself, like if Robert Redford and I were on stage together.
  19. SurlyHorns Broken-brained Assholes
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