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Everything posted by Player

  1. "one more" Schiff about to go hard in the paint on that crime-fraud exception.
  2. 3) innocents being “murr-durred”. Bush and Cockeye have both started airing negative ads against her. When does the mud-slinging against Paxton begin?
  3. I would love to see a montage of Rudy's hijinks from the last few years set to this song.
  4. The straw that broke the dipshit’s back.
  5. He sure sang a different tune when that oak tree shed a load on his hypocritical ass. Fuck you Greg.
  6. If you gave Pablo Picasso a case of OG fourloko and told him to paint a portrait of Snidely Whiplash, he could not come up with anything half as lopsided.
  7. I thought he didn't have shit to do with Tennessee either... https://consequence.net/2021/05/kid-rock-nashville-bar-man-colostomy-bag/ but then I remembered that he does, in fact, have some shit going on in Nashville.
  8. I pushed for Latarian Milton, but was shot down. Oh well, Two Dogs Fucking, still enjoys doing hood rat stuff with his friends.
  9. I wish we could see footage of him watching Biden's address this morning. I'm kind of shocked that he hasn't issued some kind of statement/rebuttal. Hopefully he had a stroke.
  10. Inconceivable! And how does stevo finish in the money if his max points are 502 and there are 3 entries that already have more points than that? I mean he might be imagining some scenario where this happens with you, me, and PhD, but I think stevo is still like Mr. Orange over there, just laying around waiting to die.
  11. you're one of them stroke-astic terrorists, man
  12. Munich does looks good - and if you're interested in pre-nazi Germany and the political turmoil leading up to WWII, check out Babylon Berlin. And definitely in for Season 3 of Afterlife on Jan. 14th.
  13. What the fuck is wrong with you, you heartless bastard? Her name is Peg.
  14. Damn straight...it should be an automatic welcome to the no-fly list for at least 5 years. Enjoy going Greyhound you stupid fuckfaces.
  15. Barry SwitzerBob StoopsBrian BosworthBilly SimmsDusty DvoracekBaker MayfieldJoe MixonDavid BorenJim RossToby Keith Why yes, it is the exact same list that I had last year. One of these days it's going to hit, and when that happens we will all be the big winners.
  16. The fear of prosecution as a private citizen (and the hope of thwarting any ongoing investigations with the ability to once again claim executive privilege) has to factor into his decision too, I think.
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