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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Bojack

  1. Six Pack starring Kenny Rogers? I don't remember the husky kid or Russ Griswold being in it. Edited to add that I've just learned that Anthony Michael Hall was the original Russ. Don't know how I never realized that.
  2. The power of lean economics is some pretty great spin for saying you're broke. I've got to steal that. "Sorry I didn't make it out today. Truck wouldn't start. Can I get an advance to buy materials for the job? My guys quit because I haven't paid them in a few weeks. Behold the power of lean economics."
  3. Damn. That's worse than you treated Winthorpe at the city jail. Bravo.
  4. She has what looks like 18" lengths of 4" and 2" pvc pipe in that bag. What the hell is that about?
  5. Thank you for that. I pictured you listening to Good Ol Boy Alabama Radio wearing a hastily made radiation suit like those guys clearing the roof in Chernobyl. You did your part, comrade.
  6. Clearly his lack of success as an actor is due to be being blacklisted by the Hollywoo liberal cabal, just like happened to Kirstie Alley, that one Baldwin, and Kirk Cameron.
  7. Sadly, you're giving them too much credit. Pence only "turned" on Trump because he was put in an impossible position after the mob believed Trump when he told them that Pence could unilaterally overturn the election results. DeVos and some of the others likely only resigned so they wouldn't have to take a stand on the 25th Amendment.
  8. I heard the broadcast live. It didn't make much sense to me. Word for word, best I can remember... "The chair is against the wall. John has a long mustache. Avenge me!!! AAVVEENGGE MEEEE!!!!!!"
  9. Maybe Kirstie Alley is tired of her legacy being, "Eh, I preferred Shelley Long."
  10. Can someone with photoshop skills make Gritty with a Bob Ross afro painting Dotard in The Scream with happy trees?
  11. Seriously, this is on the level of when the guy yells out, "I've got a solution. You're a dick!" to President Camacho during his address to the House of Representin'.
  12. Hopefully we'll be there soon. We've been stuck at ass to ass for the last 4 years.
  13. The song itself is my favorite traditional Christmas carol. Their performance is beautiful and I love their Fast Eddie, Minnesota Fats bit at the beginning. You shoot straight pool, mister? Now and then. You know how it is. You like to gamble, David Bowie? Gamble money on Christmas songs?
  14. Anyone know why the Worldometers tally for Serious, Critical cases in the USA jumped to over 32,000 today compared to 19,000+ yesterday? https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/
  15. I thought Trump's campaign was over when he said what he did about POWs. After that didn't happen, I felt that nothing would ever turn off his supporters. I'm surprised he won in 2016 and that it was as close as it was this time. Donald Trump has himself acted like I thought he would for the last 4 years but I did not expect that he would, even after losing, have such unwavering support among Republicans. I think we'll be done with Trump himself very soon but I dread what's to come more than ever. I saw Ralph Nader speak somewhere in Austin in 2002. I remember him comparing W to Nixon and saying that he never would've imagined that we'd be looking back at Nixon with nostalgia. Fuck Ralph for 2000 and the wars, but he was right that things can always get worse. The right wing bullshit "news" machine makes money. It's state media that doesn't need to be propped up by the state. It's only getting worse as the people that consume it are getting more insular, not to mention growing in number. Packed courts, gerrymandered districts, and disproportionate power for rural voters because of the makeup of the Senate and Electoral College are going to continue to work against us along with the right wing disinformation machine. In 2022, we might experience a Republican wave since we'll be the party in the White House in a mid-term. In 2024, Republicans are apt to nominate someone every bit as awful as Trump but that's much less of a bungling idiot. Democrats need to sell a vision that will help the lives of regular people. We'll never win the way we need to to implement real change by just not being Republicans.
  16. I don't mean to speak for RomaVicta but I imagine the answer is that he'll be deep in the cold, cold ground before he'll recognize Missoura or Oklahoma.
  17. Thanks. I now have a pretty good idea how to handle this if I should ever run across it. That is assuming that the guy didn't end up in some Sisyphean hell of doing it over and over.
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