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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Bojack

  1. Heads up, everybody. On a right wing hate site that I sometimes monitor, there are plans for "heavily armed" demonstrations at all 50 state capitals today at noon. https://texags.com/forums/16/topics/3154573
  2. Not only has George Wallace lived an unnaturally long life, he's really evolved politically.
  3. I'm worried that the only thing that's kept a lid on this so far is that they've expected to win. It'll soon be clear to them that it's not going to happen no matter how many half-assed lawsuits the Trump campaign files.
  4. That was the bargain the Dems had to make with the RINO anti-Trumpers to fix the election. No way they could've beaten Trump otherwise. He'd have won every state.
  5. Fuck Soccer Moms and Nascar Dads. This is the election of Gritty Black Grandmas. I read somewhere during early voting that black women over 65 had turned out in record numbers, more than any other demographic in Georgia. Plus Gritty for Philadelphia.
  6. As Texans, we're under-represented in many of the same ways as California. Wyoming v. California: California has roughly 70 times the population of Wyoming yet each have 2 Senators. Electoral college, Wyoming has 3 votes. California has 55. Wyoming has 18x the representation of California per capita. Texas v. Wyoming: Texas has just under 30 million people and same number of Senators as Wyoming, that's Wyoming repped over 50 times Texans in the Senate. Electoral College, Wyoming people are represented over 12 times more per capita. I want everyone to be represented equally and will let the chips fall where they may.
  7. "We're up in the hills getting ready for the fight at Valley Trump. We need your help, Sean. For the next 6 hours only, we're offering a 10x match..."
  8. I've always thought there's a chance of this. One last bit of Trump fuckery that will be in our history forever, Mike Pence will forever be the 46th President but for only 2 weeks. For the rest of eternity, it'll be ....Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush 2, Obama, Trump, Pence*(for 2 weeks after Trump resigned and before Biden inauguration), Biden, Harris, Porter, etc...
  9. I'd find it hallarious when Hunter is back in town for the inauguration that he swings by that computer repair shop to pick up his laptop. That'd be like Omar going back to Prop Joe's and picking up his clock.
  10. I am really hoping that surviving Republicans and the Dotard cult are at each other's throats and that helps us in the Georgia specials.
  11. Shame on all of you. This is one of the all time under-repped posts in the history of Surly.
  12. For 2022, Democrats should make a minimum wage increase our primary issue. Make it a national issue by promising that we will pass an increase if we win the Senate which is likely to be Mitched the fuck up for the next 2 years. More importantly, get it on the ballot wherever we can and have our candidates tie themselves to those ballot initiatives as much as possible. Also, weed. People like weed. Put it on the ballot.
  13. Here's the song itself, released in '92 and said to be in response to the beating of Rodney King. Perhaps you'd favor us with your own reaction video.
  14. Was going to post this myself. That's Austin police in uniform, on duty posing with, among others, Proud Boys on the far right of the photo. The blurred parts of the photo like you see on the yellow sleeved fascist shitbird furthest right is the white power, ok hand sign.
  15. If I'm ever near Charlie Kirk, I'm definitely going to whisper, "Lil' Bits" at him. Hopefully it's been done to death already.
  16. I often remind myself that how people are betting on something is not always a good way to predict what is going to happen. A hell of a lot of people bet that Conor McGregor would beat Floyd Mayweather in a boxing match.
  17. https://www.vulture.com/2013/09/how-far-was-rockys-famous-run-in-rocky-ii.html#:~:text=By analyzing the landmarks along,That is so many miles. An analysis of all the landmarks in this montage determined that Rocky ran at least 30 miles.
  18. No, no. We should work with our Republican friends across the aisle. I'd like to see more things like Feinstein hugging Lindsey as he shoves a knife in our eye.
  19. Minimum wage, for one thing. Florida passed a ballot initiative for $15 an hour in a state election that was otherwise horrendous for Democrats. Nebraska voted for a ballot measure to increase in 2014 in a red state in a red wave election. Democrats need to make that a big issue in future elections. And weed. People like weed. Rural internet or some shit.
  20. How do we win more Senate seats? I won't list them all, but I count 22 states where I think it's unlikely we win statewide with anything other than a Manchin type. That's 44 seats and I'm not counting states like Texas and Florida that I think could swing in the near future but have 2 Republicans now. I'd truly like to hear a strategy that doesn't require the Dem to film all their commercials holding a shotgun.
  21. Yep. 3 things we'll never be rid of in this country in our lifetimes: - Grossly disproportionate representation in the Senate. California has 70 times the population of Wyoming and the same number of US Senators. - The Electoral College. If Dotard pulls this out, it's 3 of the last 6 elections that Republicans will win without winning the popular vote. 5 SC Justices have been appointed by Presidents that lost the popular vote. - The right wing cult ain't going away. People make money on talk radio, Fox News, and internet bullshit. It's not your great-grandfather's state media that had to be propped up by the government. The cult can't get enough of it and they gladly pay for it.
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