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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RDCanecutter

  1. I am cavorting with Mud People and defiling runic inscriptions because I hate my race.
  2. I'll probably do that too. Or the occasional stock buy. The main thing is not to drank it up. Funny thing today, I was toddling on foot to an art gallery a few blocks from home where they sold some of my stuff, and I had a fat 84 dollar check waiting. Took a short-cut past the coin shop, where I haven't really been since he went "appointment only." Coin dealer dude is out in the parking lot. He's like "RD!" I'm like "Coin Dealer Dude!" He's like "come on in and visit!" So I do. He's got all my favorite Mexican gold. A big Centenario. "Grab you one RD!" "I brought the wrong wallet, but I could do 2 Pesos." Coin Dealer Dude names a price. By random chance, I have it in cash. Fished in.
  3. I want Tuh-ate Ruh-eeves panicked and runnin around that old oak tree so fast he turns into a streak of mayonnaise.
  4. So as I said, I decided to get a little gold each month starting in December. Well, it's December somewhere. I like to bathe new gold coins in some sunshine, after they've probably been locked away for decades.
  5. For what they spent I figure they replaced roofs for 3-4 veterans. Not stated if said veterans were also suck-buddies of Tubs.
  6. I think you're sposed to drink it, not inhale it.
  7. I'll pray for all of you, as soon as I get this wicker man finished. Oh, and let me know which one lost.
  8. Not gonna lie, there were mob-scene Halloweens in the past where I felt like hanging up that sign.
  9. You just made the list of Big Time Change.
  10. My "clock" is set to the sun. When the light coming from the window squares up with the floorboards, I know it's True Noon. I usually observe this while I'm scratching my ass walking to the shower.
  11. Hell hath no wrath like a closeted reporter seeing an out preacher.
  12. As a kid I used to get my ass kicked in after-school fights until I started showing up with a stick.
  13. 1819 News exists to be quoted by right-wing talk radio. https://1819news.com/about edit-- I just saw that they employ Scott Beason, former pol who fucked up everything he touched.
  14. I don't have Tubs glorious career memorized, so correct me if I'm wrong-- but weren't there several skims/scams/skulks where he was in a group of people doing something shady, and the other people took the fall?
  15. The Marines go that extra mile. Knew a couple of former Marine sergeants when I was a baby lieutenant later on. You actually had to avoid the impulse to load them up with extra work just because you knew they'd do it right. Just to have an exception that proved the rule, there was the one Marine whose mind snapped and he hid in the bathroom, but I guess he was due. Hey, 3 out of 4, not bad.
  16. Yeah. It was some kind of review day for shit we were supposed to know. Raisin Man station was a breeze. I fucked up something on M-60 assembly for the other DI we called "The Russian," he had me do a handstand by the wall and do vertical push-ups until he got tired. It seemed personal. I fucking hate push-ups. Refuse to do even one now.
  17. I was at Ft. Knox in 1988 training to keep the Soviet Army out of your local Banana Republic store by doing push-ups. One day a Drill Sergeant brought his child's California Raisin toy to the barracks, put it on top of a fire hydrant, and we had to take turns doing push-ups for it. When we'd do enough, the Drill Sergeant would say "Recover!" in a high-pitched raisin voice.
  18. Maybe UGA did educate her. Maybe without them she would be worse.
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