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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RDCanecutter

  1. All that is nice and I guess they feel better now, but what would really fix this is for some Private Eyes to uncover some Joe Paterno style shit at one of Tommy's coaching jobs.
  2. Later as Nero Wolfe he ascended the scale gastronomically. Mrs CC and I have been working through the 2001-2002 Nero Wolfe episodes on Youtube, somehow I was unaware of their existence. Private detective who humiliates lawyers and cops, then eats like a gourmet.
  3. No. The videos in and of themselves are annoying.
  4. 18? Wasn't room for a good Euro-centric XVIII?
  5. Maury Chaykin ran this planet for a while.
  6. And shriek like a chimp every time he raises his eyebrows.
  7. Reminds me of when I heard somebody's great-great-grandad left a Civil War diary, so the dude looked up the dates of the Battle of Gettysburg, and it said something like "Big fight. Lots of rain. Still no shoes."
  8. I gotcha on that. She will stare into your eyes worshipfully, fuck your brains out until you are shooting earwax and toenails out of your dick, and cuddle up with you like a happy puppy wherever you are and whatever you do. Fast forward ten years, cops hand you a restraining order to stay away from your house and all your shit because you attacked her (you yelled about something) and by the way you have been psychically torturing her and trying to weigh her down so you can vampirically drain her creative life force. And it'll turn out that the lawyer she's been fucking is really good at his day job.
  9. Lead Singer Dwight Grubenfluscher of locally-popular Santana cover band "Thor's Rejects."
  10. It's 1890. You've just put your competitors in the Horse Slaughtering and Glue Rendering profession out of business. Your factory pumps black tar-like smoke into the lungs of the widows and orphans who managed to not get kicked out of the tenements you own. But on the bright side, only one youthful employee got his arm ripped off by an exposed belt in your factory this week. That night, the Angel of Future Tragedy visits you, to show you visions. 1. Your precious child, now a full-grown man, blown to shreds driving a volunteer ambulance in the Argonne. 2. Your future grand-daughter, OD-ing in mid-lick of taint of one of her Weather Underground co-travellers. 3. Her son, your great-grandson, bragging about picking Aggy. 4. Finally, a bizarre vision of your great-great-granddaughter, for some reason chained like a Medieval doxy to some sort of ...road block? In a desolate wilderness? Perhaps you'll wake up a changed man. Or maybe you'll just take what would have been someone's trust fund, and start spending it.
  11. Burning Man? More like Wallowing In Mud Man? Amirite Amirite?
  12. When you cross the Rio Grande river, there are ATM machines everywhere, just like here.
  13. Between you and I, it's time to reign this in irregardless of speaker.
  14. When I was 19 I left my home in pseudo-Gone-With-The-Wind Selma, and moved just far north enough in Alabama to border the industrial zones. At that time, when shift change came, factory gates would vomit forth columns of Detroit Iron piloted by clones of Narvel Felts. Those old (40) guys were patient when we whelps invaded their spaces, which we were wise to seldom do. They could and would beat somebody's ass in between beers.
  15. First you get the nekkit pictures. Then you tell them you want them to be relatively liberal.
  16. Back then we figured they'd die in a duel or something respectable.
  17. Yeah, French has "baiser" that means "to kiss" (in the dictionary.) Everywhere else it means "to fuck." I learned this by completing a French composition assignment on what you'd do on a first date. If things were going great you'd probably baiser her several times wherever you were. If not, you'd still probably baiser her on the steps outside her door when you took her home, but it might be without passion like when you baiser your grandmother. I didn't know a red pen contained that much ink.
  18. Back in 2003 I was driving across Mexico and locals would warn me about towns like this.
  19. I have to say that classroom instruction is to language learning what climbing the rope in PE is to love of sports. It will help somebody who is already on fire to learn the language, but for a normal human, it must be tedious. I don't write it off-- two semesters of classroom instruction followed by a summer of small group teaching in a place where they speak it is pretty much awesome for making it stick. But since it's not 1923, it's either part of a bigger combo, or else we are intentionally acquiring a vague school memory.
  20. Still available via non-secure link: http://www.immediategratification.org/i-can-eat-glass
  21. I'd give it a Gentleman's C if you showed up to class and didn't spit in my coffee. (Just joking-- I never leave my coffee alone with students.) You've definitely got some Latin there. The first three are the singular conjugation, I you, he/she/it. Amare is the infinitive "to love, and Amatus means "loved" as a past participle. I freaked when I saw "Amawe" then I realized you did a phonetic spelling of Amavi "I loved," back when the v meant a w sound. The main thing I want to know is how you took all that French yet what pops out is Latin?
  22. Barhopping in Bessemer is a phrase I have never thought or heard. But Bright Star is legit. 100+ years ago lots of Greek immigrants opened restaurants and hot dog stands. Most of the grandkids went into other professions, but a few places remain in family hands.
  23. Yeah if you look for 5 Points in Bham make sure you head to 5 Points South not 5 Points West. South is bar-crawling/pan-handling/occasionally-getting-your-car-poked-around-in fun. West is placid compared to what it once was but is basic wings-and-seafood low-rent strip malls and neighborhoods. Unless you get shot. So don't get shot. I never got shot there. As to hipsters I will be spending that Saturday among them in downtown Birmingham flogging artwork in the foo-foo Art Walk where they shut down the streets and have a two day show with tents. I am not officially there, I'll be in a Punk Rock event in the parking lot behind Forstall's Art Supplies, look for a tall guy wearing a 25-year-old UT shirt and scream in my ear in case I'm deaf from the music. It's 20th Street North, which is a long-ass walk for anybody getting drunk on 20th Street South. Forstall Art Center and Custom Framing 215 20th St N, Birmingham, AL 35203
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