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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RDCanecutter

  1. Do you know how to cuss in Nahuatl? Do you refuse to use Mandarin because it's too main-stream so you learn Cantonese from kung-fu movies instead? Have you ever used Catalan just to piss off a Spanish cop? If you have done these, done similar, or just cry out in silent shame-rage wishing you had, then you have a home. This thread is for you. About two months ago @956 Worldwide mentioned that learning the boutique language of Slovak would give us the magic key to unlock all the Slavic languages. Being one to accomplish odd goals with minimum effort, I thought "well maybe Duolingo has Slovak." I checked. They didn't. But hey down at the end of the bar sat Scottish Gaelic, drinkin whisky shots and battin her big green eyes at me. Me and Scottish Gaelic have been havin a flang now for more than a month. I'll go into nerd detail in a later post. But for now I want to hear from other doomed souls who have also poured time into something like Danish Rap or Mayan slang. Go.
  2. That drink reminds me of when I was a Cub Scout and they let us loose in an Air Force base cafeteria, including letting us play with the machines. Prolly has more alcohol though.
  3. It took until Friday but I finally got some paint on the brush this week. Commissions for a guy's lake house. Once the abstract backgrounds dry I'll goof em up with some cartoon Apes. Halfway through the vertical one I ran out of blue, and tried to eke it out with some other colors that produced a pond scum look. Got more blue at the store, then savagely attacked it again.
  4. I know I was wrong and I know you need the rent, but if you can give me credit for it I'll swap you this sofa from th'smokin' room.
  5. Are we comparing solvent you to solvent Trump, or solvent you to broke Trump?
  6. Mrs. Canecutter gets asthma laughing at your excellent witticism.
  7. STOP THE STEAL. Shut this contest down until Georgia has a chance to send us Alternate Weights.
  8. I am 6'3" and 213 as of last week. For me to look like Trump I'd have to fill a dufflebag full of horse shit and strap it on in front in "GET PREGNANT" mode. IYKYK. Half-right FACE.
  9. Update: After two days of bullshit blathering, I sent out a new email to club officers saying that this witch, excuse me, this girl convicted in The 2023 Alabama Witch Trial, had in fact passed all our artist requirements and as President I declared her IN and give her a space at the show. Allied officer agreed with me, Queen Bee meddler who started all the witch shit did not. Then wishy-washy officer sounded in and wishy-washed. My plan was to force them to outvote me so I could quit the fucking club. I waited for the final show chair officer to weigh in against the witch, and I'd be free. Meanwhile Queen Bee messaged me about how I was so Wrong! Because I wanted to tell witch she was out personally instead of letting some bitch like Queen Bee gloat-pity her. I told Queen Bee if our witch got shot down I was gonna tell her exactly how it happened. This was on purpose because Queen Bee is so looped-out gullible she probably does fear the witches coming after her. Then Show Chair (played by Kate McKinnon in the movie) roars in and dresses ME down for getting out of her lane, that it's not up to me if witch gets in the show, it's up to her, and SHE says witch is IN THE SHOW. I apologize online while cackling maniacally IRL. ----- But it's not over. Queen Bee was put in a box, cut off from her followers, but she did not rest. Instead she has attempted to talk smack to me via personal messages. This is like bullfighting vs your grammama. I don't want to hurt her, but it's like she doesn't even have 1994 smack-talking skills. It's the e-communication equivalent of holding a 5-year old's head and letting them swing at you. After several exchanges, she has calmed down to where I asked her if she'd just rather talk on the phone. If she does, I'll just let her scream herself to sleep.
  10. When you lose the animated Botero paintings, you've lost America.
  11. The time she spent making that was 15 minutes the waiter didn't get harassed about the lemon on the water glass.
  12. I welcome all Hindu Jewish Catholics so long as they check the Fascism at the door.
  13. Gonna be a long day sitting there with that little fluorescent pen checking all those bills to see if they're legit.
  14. Y'all prolly did this already but I am too lazy to read the thread so whatev. Pence: We saw his balls drop. But still SuperPreacher. Hutchinson: Mincing Deacon. Christie: Disappointing as alleged attack dog. DeSantis: Alfred E. Neuman is back, and he's not smiling. Vivek: Jibbering cokehead not named Don Jr. Burgum: Boring Scott: Also Boring Haley: G.H.W. Bush with better hair.
  15. Plus it might encourage Russians to redeploy 10,000 men to guard various Crimean beaches that the Ukrainians don't plan on attacking again.
  16. A jibbering coke-head with a funny name.
  17. They ain't none of em worth a shit. A whole stage full of people making the tacit argument for divine right of kings. Or government by random names pulled from a data base. Anything but them.
  18. That first prison door-slam slams heavy.
  19. Loosened up with dirt weed, Boone's Farm, and putting up with her favorite Hall and Oates 8-track.
  20. The small fry local yokels are already back home on the phone bitchin about th'Dimmacra-yuts n th'Duh-eep Stite.
  21. Funny how they've got them posed in a way that makes it look like they're about to leap at the camera guy's throat. Except for Jenna and Doughboy. She's stoned and he finally let go and just whizzed his pants.
  22. 264 at weigh-in. I'd normally say more, but I bet he's lost some weight from the green fear-diarrhea.
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