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Everything posted by aggie08

  1. While I hate that it gave Facebook idiots a victory lap to say, "See! This is just the tip of what they're indoctrinating our children with!!!"...you absolutely deserve to lose your job as a university president if you get twisted up by Elise fucking Stefanik and she comes off looking like the sane, morally superior of the two.
  2. As overrated as I think Gobert is, I thought that Minnesota would be be a good regular season team last year, despite my jokes. His impact on regular season defense is well-established. So they hilariously underachieved. But you make a trade like that because you think that Gobert is the missing piece to your team winning a championship. Playoff Gobert--when teams take the time to gameplan and run a billion pick and rolls to target mismatches--also has a well-established reputation for a reason. But being the #1 seed has never been a bad thing with regards to title hopes, so maybe they will prove us all wrong.
  3. You expect Incredulity to read?? Come on, now. "We may have been off by a factor of 10, but believe us on everything else we say!"
  4. Slavery existed. Slavery was bad. Here are some captivating stories about human perseverance in the face of hate. Never thought the above would be considered "politically charged."
  5. A decent argument can be made that Obama really did break this country.
  6. "Dude. Your name is Mike. Johnson. God ain't gonna waste his big coming out party on you. There's gotta be a Jebediah somewhere who's way more interesting."
  7. Hard-R handguns...for shooting the, um, better than average dancers in your life.
  8. Imagine how gigantic a piece of shit you'd have to be to be worth 11 digits and use your high-priced lawyers against your ex wife to reduce your child support payments.
  9. Not a great sign when we hire a coach because he "gets A&M" and even the white guys are leaving.
  10. I really hope that I'm not friends with anyone who sees Pat McAfee on television and says, "I'd really like to hear more about what that man has to say."
  11. Yeah, no one wants to hear Georgia play the world's smallest violin. They made their out of conference schedule with the inherent knowledge that winning the SEC with anything less than 2 losses gets them in, no questions asked, so why take the risk. They essentially created their own one game season and lost. Sorry, not sorry.
  12. That's the hope. But I'm skeptical. How many are absolutely convinced that Biden has been up to treasonous activities with his son? They might not want Trump, but "the alternative is worse!" Especially if the economy has even the tiniest of hiccups.
  13. Literally everything could have been worse, so at least they're not lying to us.
  14. The most popular woman of the past decade started a high profile relationship with a Super Bowl champion from the country's most popular sport and seems to be getting even more notoriety. Shenanigans must be afoot!
  15. I was going to say that even Florida Man realizes that pulling a stunt like that would be a terrible look that they'd likely never recover from. But then I slapped myself. Florida Man Who Went to College realizes it, at least.
  16. I'm not going to believe a god damn thing coming from a dude whose entire livelihood is making black people look bad for an audience that wishes that they were allowed to say the same things about them.
  17. Anyone else concerned that, one of these times, your eyes are going to get stuck to the roof of your eyelids after reading another Anastasis post? Just me?
  18. Bro, you wish you could be edgy enough to suggest that someone should kill themselves. Always hilarious and original.
  19. Ah man. I'm from Washington. I love UW. But that's not a good look to be buddied up next to us.
  20. Elon has definitely reached a point where, if he were to tell me that the sky was blue, I'd have to go outside to check if maybe I've been wrong my entire life.
  21. Aren't they still doing weekly guest hosting for pretty much every comedian and comedian-adjacent personality on television?
  22. 24 minutes for someone to finally open a classroom door and go, "Hey, they are kids in this here school!" And it was only opened so the officer would have more space to comfortably lie down in his prone position on the exact opposite side of the building from the shooter.
  23. Not really. I won't even go to a restaurant with less than 4 and a half stars.
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