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Everything posted by hookemATL

  1. Awwwww shit y’all it’s a call out thread. Let’s meet in the parking lot after free period and settle this like 13 yo boys!
  2. Things are getting moist in CP.
  3. It was an obvious grounding call and that is why I said out loud to myself “they ain’t gonna throw a flag on that shit. Motherfucking cunts”.
  4. Just got the “I’m stunned, I’m pissed, it’s BoB” text from my brother.
  5. Best thread ever. What a fucking gaping pussy the OP is.
  6. Fuck that cancerous douche and his shitass sooner father.
  7. Even my MiL texted me “wtf was that bullshit!?”
  8. 18 points surrendered by the defense and a really impressive 2nd half. Was really nice feeling like we were going to get to the QB if we wanted to on those last drives for Baylor.
  9. Can someone explain the fumble that wasn’t a fumble? I feel like it was glossed over and it seemed like a fumble at full speed. But then they didn’t review or address the at all. I was fucking apoplectic.
  10. Jones’ pancake block on #13 was fucking borderline erotic. I watched the replay 10 times and some precum came out, and usually that only happens when a girl accidentally brushes up against me.
  11. I’d love to see an overall breakdown of the disparity as well. This crew is/was the worst but the fuckery has been consistent regardless of crew.
  12. He means this crew. They did the OSU game
  13. This should be repeated over and over until something is done. Do college refs not get graded on their performance? I’ve never been a ref complainer, but there is just too much evidence that there is something weird if not deliberate/negligent/etc going on.
  14. What’s the point of playing the fucking game?
  15. This team has zero consistency. Truly maddening.
  16. The last home game was always a ghost town on LBJ lawn for the TG setups. Maybe it’s bc we’ve sucked shit through a straw the entire time they’ve been running that operation.
  17. It’s a jumper GODDAMMIT and I look FANTASTIC in it
  18. Oh shit I see we’ve gotten to the wws portion of the thread. Let me get out my advanced thesaurus and obscure religion texts to make sure I can keep up with his blisteringly intelligent and cogent stream of consciousness.
  19. Only sheltered in a sense that you do not engage with dangerous propaganda machines that churn out lies faster than an aggy judges meat or the tightness of a sheeps asshole.
  20. Deutschland, Deutschland über alles, über alles in der…. Scheisse!!!!!
  21. Dude with fries and a cherry coke OR 6 pc steak finger basket with extra gravy and a chocolate malt and I was always a dilly bar guy but a Oreo blizzard was always an option too much like whataburger, your culinary experience can vary wildly from location to location with no real way to determine if it will be poorly run/shitty food and service or not. Always nice to happen upon a DQ that can still serve their food hot and fresh.
  22. “This Mexican food is giving me Mexican farts.”
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